*Crossing Strange Paths*

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Dedicated to these two beautiful souls ♥


Zaabit ~ POV

Life is a strange story and the strangeness that comes with life is sometimes not easy to comprehend.

When the strange sudden waves knock on your heart, it makes you unsure to whether let them all in. The heart is a gullible thing that is easily swayed by emotions.

A familiar wind, that has always been mine but today that the wind carries this strangeness that I thought would never do.

It has always been around me like my shadow ever since I felt this indescribable comfort with its presence. For as long as I could remember, that poignant, enthusiastic voice that would somehow find its way out, would ring in my ears like a soothing lullaby.

As this strangeness breaks that wall to walk over, I don't feel scared like I thought I would.

As it seeps in, covering every bit of me, all the way from my head to toes. I feel extremely bountiful in my condition.

I am recovering from the depth of insanity that I was awhile ago indulging in, due to this beautiful beat that has always been the reason for these beats ever since it came to know the meaning of the beating heart.

I smile inwardly, as I look at her disturbed state while she is supposed to be sleeping.

It has been a long time since we have come back to our room but the sleep is far away from both of us. Although, her eyes are closed sleep has not bothered to touch her eyes.

I walk over to her side of the bed and switch the nightstand light on.

At first glance, it would seem like she is sleeping in total bliss but if you watch her longer like I am doing it right now, then everything that connects with her seems all disturbed.

The uneven breathing, the redness of her face, the unbeatably fast eyeball movement, and the light whispering of her lips are the silent witness of her never said pain.

As I reached my hand to take away the discomfort but my hand perpetually stops as she has never thought of me as her.

Although she had taken her vows to be my wife that is nothing, it's merely an act to deceive herself, me, and those around her.

An act to be mine but not really mine.

I sniff back the sudden emotions that suddenly occurred in the depth of my heart as I realize that I had told her that destiny has intertwined us even when she didn't want to.

No matter how much she denies that she can never be the one or that I am not hers...is and now will be like running away from a nightmare that she so badly wanted to escape.

For her, I may have always been the nightmare that she has always wanted to escape but now that nightmare is always going to be with her as air.

For me, she has always been the sweet dream that I had always held onto but at a times I would find it just as difficult to grasp.

My dreams of her had always been vivid but they always had her in that twelve-year-old form. As time passed by, she begins to diminish but I would at a times close my eyes to think back to those days when she was everywhere and still is.

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