*Reaching Beyond The Boundary*

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Zaabit ~ POV

The sun is blazing and leaving a warmth which is much needed. The snow has melted away, leaving a dryness that I desire. The leaves are sprouting back in the tress and the kids are running on the road with colorful ice gola, that they stop to suck on every now and then. I smile as I relish my own fond memories and I wish to be back to where I was, naive of the aches that this world consists of.

I drive along the M-TI road which leads me to army cantonment. The drive seems so eternal, gray roads covered in yellow flowers that has fallen from the Kikar trees which runs along the road. There is a sweetness in the wind which blows the round-yellow kikar flowers in the air. A place so divine to drive by.

I twist the key and the engine dies out. I jump off the jeep and walk in to show myself to my senior.

"Sir" I salute.

As I see him coming my way, with proudness smearing around his figure.

"At least, you could have invited me to the wedding. You don't know,how much I like wedding food."

He takes me by surprise and meanwhile I still have to behave straight face.

" Sir, I would have, if I knew it would be me getting married" I replied politely.

"Good joke, Captain Zaabit," he utters.

Now what could I have possibly said, that I had to fill in for a person who left her on the wedding day itself. The only reason is he lacks in every way.

"Yes, sir " I voice.

"Captain, this is going to be your first assignment and through it, you are going to show us how you can complete the assignment, leading your group with clear direction. You must know, through these assignments and your performance, you are to be judged for the next five years of being captain. You shall begin today itself and it will be pleasure to see how you grow to become major."

"Yes, sir" I reply enthusiastically.

I am actually looking forward to the new things that life has store for me. It challenges me to learn new things. I can do anything if only, it allows me to learn and gain knowledge. I live upto my name, once I learn new things in new way I remember them with the exact detail...its interesting because sometimes people lack the aptitude for new things.

Today, I have learned all the name of people that are to be with me for next five years. Its not hard, once you connect them with something then it is easier. This is why I may have survived in army.

The scorching bright, the air is fervent and thick with moisture. My back is burning under the hot sun and the thin khaki fabric of my uniform shirt is cling to me with sweat. I shovel the wet mud to dig deeper. As beads of sweat scandals down to the tip of my nose to hit the ground that is when I realize that it is not my sweat but rather my tears. The tears that I held back in dad office are now, descending down the curves of my face. I let it fall, all at once because there is no tomorrow that I can let to waste in shedding tears of pain.

I plough as I hear my voice emitting with each action. My muscles clench in excitement as I put all my strength into it.

My face covered in beads of sweats and tears. My thoughts running back to the conversation I had, earlier today. My heart just feel like a balloon that keeps on getting enlarge until I don't know when it will pop. It twist and clench when I hear the words eventually she may never remember me.

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