Blooming Love With Lies

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Zaabit ~ POV

I wake up to the stench of cigarette smoke as I inhale deeply.

The sun is about to rise high up in the sky and it is seven in the morning. A new day, filled with promises to keep.

I rub my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness which is dragging me back to it.

I sit up and look at my bare chest, crafted and adorn in thickness. My abs are standing out proudly with the years of demanding physical activities.

I look around the room, fill with clothes and sign of intimacy we shared last night...everything felt different as we connect in ways that every soul dreams of.

I get up and make my way to where she is standing. In balcony, facing the rising warmth of sun. I hug her from the back in such a silent way that she felt attacked. And the bunch of my cigarettes which she couldn't hide in time, lit up. As it wisp away from her hold, its orange glow dims down as it falls down from the balcony. It hit the ground soundlessly.

"So, what are you doing?" I asked as I place a kiss on her shoulder.

"Trying to get rid of your bad habits" she voice proudly.

"There are so many" I said.

"Then, I will make sure there are none" she replies as she turns around in my arms.

I look at her warm brown eyes, burning with passion to get rid of the things that could take me away. She doesn't know that I have always thought of being neared her even when I couldn't. I wanted her to be the only one to be a part of me. She has been away, far too much.

She is here now and this time I am making sure she stays with me.

I take her awful glasses and toss it off the balcony. It hits the ground to break away.

"Zaabit" she screeches as she look at what I did.

I grab her chin to get her focus on me and when she does I begin.

"I can't divulge in your eyes."

The tenderness and truth visible in the words.

"I am not gonna disappear" she claims.

She grip her bottom lip in her teeth's.

"And you can't when I am going to be wherever you are" I whisper.

A silence overlaps as we watch the sunrise and hides in the mountains yet not entirely.

"Can you please set the table? I am famish" I said.

"I will" she replies as the warmness reaches the fullness of her cheeks.

Zaboor --- POV

She is not listening. This is not her yet it is her. She is not my daughter yet it is her. My daughter never attach to others this easily especially when it is someone whom she utterly dislike.

The way she cascade her emotion so purely and openly, explains that it is Sabrina. She is smiling at Zaabit so affectionately that it may blow up the universe to tickling bits of passion. I am totally tune out on what Ali is talking about, instead I am watching my daughter that is not here yet she is.

My daughter ignorant to the lapse of her life in extremely good nature.

She sneaks and lower her glances as to not to be caught by me. This is her trait when she is out. She can never matche her gaze with me. She stays away so that I don't try to convince her to leave.

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