* Parting *

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We spend the winter, watching the snow falling from our bedroom window. This is year is the coldest we have ever had.

Saama can barley walk, her movements have turned slow, her limbs have became rigid, her speech slurring and she doesn't know me.

She doesn't know my name or who I am. She doesn't know anyone in this family. She has lost her memory. She has forgotten us rather too quickly. She said she won't but she has. All she remembers is that it is winter and everyday she has to see snow falling from the sky.

So I had to redo the room to her adjustment so now the bed is facing the window, pillows at her back to support her to sit. On days when there is no snow I have to sprag snow just so she can be happy.

I often sit with her in the bed to watch the snow which fascinate her with passing days. Its like their is life still breathing in her when she watches the snowfall.

"Its snowing" she starts, smiling with utter difficulty.

"It is" I said.

"Sit with me" she slurs.

I scramble in under the covers with her. Her warmth instantly engulfing me although she is very sick but she is all the way more lovable.

She hates being touched without any reason, she loves it when I read her english poetry and she falls asleep when I read her a book of her choice. But her sleep aren't always the restful one. It is often filled with stress and thus looking up at the roof with wide open eyes. This is why I had filled the roof with blinking stars.

Sometimes she wouldn't let me sleep because she wants me to talk to her. The talk is often filled with army jokes, old memories,  or her favourite thing snow. The weather these days is what I have learned to remember to check. She always asks about what is today weather.

She likes me but she doesn't remember me at all. No matter, how much I try to tell her she somehow manages to keep me in  place.

I take her hand in mine which is soft, warm, and bony. She doesn't react but glances my way, finally her focus is off the snow.

These days I wish to be snow just so she could look at me more.

Tears brim her eyes, with my free hand I wipe it away.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

" This may be my last snow to watch" she slurs but my ears has gotten used to it so I can make sense of what she was saying.

"This is just your thought" I said.

I interlink our fingers together as her scent basked me thoroughly she smell like heavens, sweet and delicate.

"Saama, I am your man so it is okay if we hold hands."

"I know" she response.

"You know" I said surprisingly.

"For you to walk in and out so easily in my room must be my husband."

"Oh! You never fail to impress me."

"Read me something" she requests.

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