* I am in Love but I can't tell *

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Saama ~ POV

Sometimes a single moment is enough to stop your heart, a single action is enough to take your breath away. A single moment is enough to skip your heart a million beats. Sometimes it is enough to know that you are falling.

I am falling for him. My husband, my enemy that I detest.
My Zaabit. This sound so weird coming upon my lips...the feeling itself is unbearable. I am filled with excitement yet their are these daunting fears of being, I really don't know what should I name it.

I have always protecting myself from him. The more I did, the stronger my feelings get.

You know his mere actions suddenly seem so romantic that I couldn't help but to give him my heart. He enter my life forcefully but coming to my heart, he paved his way. He became my healer to stealer and I didn't have the strength to stop.

Maybe somewhere I felt for him which is why I liked it when he stole the only sensible thing I possessed.

I can't sleep at night, I am so restless at heart now that I let him in to my life. I smile for no reason. I laugh at the smallest thing I see. I am experiencing love sickness and I can't tell anyone which is why I am writing this letter to Zaabit to let him know he finally successed in making me his. And I have accepted him as mine.

These days when I see him, my heart erupts into art of firework. This feeling so real yet unreal at the sametime makes me so hopeful that maybe somewhere Allah will see it and have mercy on me to cherish it forever.

I don't know how quickly he replaced himself in me but as long as I live and he is with me I am happy to live even  if it means I am in pain.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night. I watch him. He controls his snores as to not to distrub me. He looks majestic. I wonder why my eyes never find him this holy before. Is it because I blocked and build  a wall toward him. His unwavering patience broke everything that I had for him.

The first time when my heart actually sinked and accelerated without my control is when we were in the cable car. That mere act of romance, at first took me by surprise.

Hearing his beats in my own ears showed how much I troubled him. Our beats pausing and playing at the sametime surprised me.

How can I make him like that, do I possess some power?

What have I done to deserve him to be like that, I wish there was a way that could explain this delimmea.

Over the course of days, my feelings for him are growing stronger that I wished to grow a bone to say it out loud to him that he means something for me.

It is almost painful to know that he is so near yet I can't say it to him. I can't look at him with his open eyes to my content. The distance is somehow always there.

The distance somehow acts like a third person inbetween us.

The amusing thing is that, I know he likes me and loves me but somehow I feel shameful to admit my feelings to him.

After all the denying and strongly admanating that I would hate him and him only are now just words in the air.

Those words means nothing now as it has all turned into affection.

I can't have him for what he is or that I wrongly accused him. He could never hurt me  when all the while I thought he could or did. The time when he fought with Soham and called me his wife. It finally daunted on me that he has given me his name, knowing that my heart is occupied with someone else. That my heart loves that person. Then why couldn't I forget that selfish person who broke me and left me all alone to the taunts of the world. I should have learned to love him long ago, the person who mended my broken, shatter soul so pleasingly.

I want to tell him, shout out all my growing feelings just to see him happy but whenever I think I have got it control I seem to be running from it. I want to stop running.

I want to rest now.


"Zaabit" I said, with eyes wide open; staring at the ceiling when I can't fall asleep.

"Saama, is something wrong?" He wakes up from his sleep instantly in terrified state.

"Lets go fishing" I suggest, as his hovering figure remains over my layed frame.

Confusion constrew upon his face, like as if I am sleep talking.

"Saama" he quietly stressout "look at the time...its three in the morning."

"Who said we have to actually go...I am speaking metaphorically. "

I said.

He moves away to sit, facing me with uncertain look. I sit and begin.

" We can imagine...we are out at a river...its cold...and we have thrown a bait and we are waiting for it."

Instantly his tired face relaxes, gazing ardently. I took it in when all the while I wish I could hold that look forever.

"Saama, are you having trouble sleeping or do you want something" he said.

I look away, biting my lips and coming back shortly with answer.

" What would I want...I am having trouble sleeping."

"Then do u want me to read you something."

"No...actually just hold my hand."

Salam and Hello. ...my guys..

Happy Friday. ...

So here it is ....

I don't know if u guys were waiting or not.
..but I am eagerly waiting for ur votes and comments. ..

U guys plz do vote ...it makes me feel so wonderful and I get to know how many of u r reading...♥♥♥

There is one more ...

Until then stay happy and make others happy...

Have a great weekend.

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