* Facing the Darkness*

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With the first words, I felt my eyelids pressing down as the pieces of my scatter memory finally begin to conjoin.

Saama was running with her heart ramming against her chest. She was frighten with Zaabit action. She could hear him, yelling after her but she was so frightened that she was sacking it, putting as much distance as she could. The twigs scrapped her in the face, left a slender red marks. The dried leaves crunched under her foots, her shoelaces spring free of the knot, caused her to trip in her own steps. She falls down, cut her knees but she gets up. With the tip of her fingers she get rids of the mud and the damaged skin prickle upon getting exposed to the air. This time she walks with little speed.

When she is out of the forest, the sun hits her in the eyes making her squint. She stops to inhale. She thinks of his words "I want to see you naked".

How could he say that to me, is the first thing she thought about. She is furious yet she waits for him to come out so that she could go home. She doesn't know the way.

She crouches down but end up sitting with her bottom dipping in the mud. It was cold she liked the foreign sensation. The smell of mud, filling her whole being. She was glad to be out in the sun. The sun was kissing her red cheeks, the leafy scented wind was caressing her skin, and earthy smell accepting her.

She was so lost in the nature that she didn't realize the presence of someone else. She doesn't look up until the person hovers and covers her from the bright rays. A shadow protects her from burning. The long red rubber boots grunts against the harshness of the road before ceasing. She looks up and smile.

"Rohas Uncle" she excitedly voice.

He smiles. He doesn't say anything to her. He is wearing a straw hat, and jump suit which covers every inch of his length. His hands are also covered by having white gloves on even when it is not needed. His face is always low and hidden because he is not confident about facing the world. He is partial albino. But Saama has never felt anything just because he is patches of white and tan skin.

"What are you doing here?" he had spoken with affection.

"I am waiting for Zaabit" she had replied as she plucked the leaves out of the branch she was holding.

"He is in the forest....ummm... we got into a verbal fight so I ran away but I am lost. I don't know the way to the house."

He had laughed at her sweetness.

"May I know why you fought?" he prey for the reason, his face holds warmness.

"He" she started to reply but stop when she realized, what would he think of Zaabit if she said his words. So instead she perfectly crafts a lie.

"I forgot. You know I am not well and the doctor told me with time I may forget things. And now that I think about it. I am already experiencing that" she rambles until he stops her.

"Do you want to go with me?" he suggests.

And she nods her head encouragingly, he stretches one of his hand out toward her. She leans in and grasp it firmly. Her fingers has tighten over his hand as she stood up on her two feet's. She pulls him by the hand to get his attention.

"My shoe laces aren't knotted and I don't want to fall again to cut my knee. I already did that" she orders him to tie the shoe laces for her.

He bends, leaving her hand to tie the laces.

"There you go" he had remarked.

"Do you do that for your daughter?" she begins to chat as they walk by the side of the road.

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