*Part : 3*

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Saama ~ POV

"What are you talking about?" I retorted, acting oblivious.

His lips forms into a thin line as he observe me for a second. He then, lets out a puff which rams my face like a slap.

"Was it Sabrina or Saama?" he states.

So he knows.

"Well, obviously the latter" I said.

"Prove it".

"What if I don't" I assert.

He takes my wrist and husk me off the closet. He drags me toward the door and I stumble along as I match his long strides.

He chucks me out the door of the room, shuts the door on my face, without glancing my way.

I meekly voice that it is me, but he doesn't response. I turn the knob and I find that he has locked the door.

Days goes by and we don't see each other, although we live in the same house, just a wall between us, and breathing the same air yet ignoring each other existence.

I predicted it right, once he knows he will leave me. It is exactly what he is doing: ignoring, avoiding, and leaving.

His routine is getting up before dawn, jogging and coming back in sweating, and finally leaving to the cantonment. When the night approaches so does he like the moon?

When I see him going. I come to his room and twist the door knob in frustration when I find it lock.

Seriously it is not only his room now, I must have said it out loud is the reason I hear a response.

"It is only my room" he says.

The hair at my neck stands up tentatively. I purse my lips when I feel his breath on my nape, instantly my hand covers it.

He pushes my stiff body into the door as he step up to key in, the door opens to mess of that day. He thrust me in, I escape a fall. When I regain myself to standing position, our eyes locks.

He looks like shit. His eyes puffed up like he has been crying and he reeks of smoke.

"Quit gazing and don't appear in front of my eyes."

His words slice me into half, I move my eyes around without glancing a peek at him. The room is intact as day he kicked me out.

"Why are you still here?" he snaps.

"My books and things are still here" I said.

"Collect them and leave."

He begins to peel off the layer of clothes he is in. and I don't know what came over me as I watch him shamelessly.

"Fuck, why are you staring at me when you have seen me naked" he bellows.

I have, tint colouring my cheeks as I choke on the air.

Choking escapes me from answering.

I start to put my clothes in the bag and the running water of shower makes me haphazardly swift. I return to retrieve the last of the book collection, when my fingers finds his diary. I steal it, making it a part of my books.

"Are you sure, you are taking only your things."

His vibrato husky voice shake the room, I stop to spin around to look at what is technically mine. He is standing there just in the white towel like a model of a magazine cover. My hands feel heavy as they are about to give up.

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