*Napkins Talk ~part 2*

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Zaabit ~ POV

The musical laughter is echoing and filling the serene halls of the house.

I saunter toward the sound and like a magnet, it is dragging me to where it is coming from. I take quick impatient steps toward the sound before it can die out.

I stop just before entering the dining area as Saama is walking backward in my direction, laughing at something. She is shaking and moving her hand that is covered with whatever she is making.

Khadija's laughter dies out upon my arrival but there seems to be no end to Saama's laughter. I am surprised, a decade could change a person to such an extent to literally give them a personality makeover. She has contagious laughter that is giving me the urge to laugh with her.

"Why aren't you laughing? It's so funny" Saama speaks to Khadija in between her laughter.

Khadija points at me and at the exact moment when she was about to hit my rock-like chest. She turns around and somehow her hand manages to brush my gray open-up sweater.

She composes herself and staggers backward to create distance.

"Just because he isn't laughing that doesn't mean, you shouldn't"
She turns on her heel as she voices Khadija. She walks to the basin to wash her hands and begins again before anybody besides her could fill the silence.

"What do these army people know about humor" she eyes me.

"They always live a monotonous life...people like me and you have to teach them".

She stops as she crumbles the napkins with which she had dried her hand. She tosses it before she makes a winning gaze.

I can't believe it. She is talking about humor. She...who would find humor in the old cities documentaries is telling me, I don't know how to laugh or make a joke.

Oh, my ego is challenged. She has the guts to attack me so visibly. I really need to save my ass.

"Because of these monotonous army people, you can laugh without a worry" I spit the reality.

She doesn't waver by my response as I expected rather she is now striding toward me with sternness visible in her body language.

She stops at my level and remains still without uttering anything from that full pink lips of hers. I stare at her eyes through her glasses that are hiding behind lenses, proving to be a hinder between us.

She waves the napkin in the air. She motions me to clean the stain that she manages to leave behind. I stare back at her nonchalantly, contemplating within to take it or not. After what seemed like an unbreakable staring contest. I decided to finally break it.

With the back of my hand, I flick the napkin and it falls down to the ground lifelessly.

Her eyes travel down to the ground and my eyes follow her path.

"Pick it up" she orders me while her eyes are still glued to the ground.

She probably doesn't know but I hate being ordered around. I am mutinous and I will have to teach her that at some point in her life.

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