*Author Note*

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Asalamu Aliakum and Hello

This author note is abit important if you want to have smooth ride until the end. So here it is:

Parkinson disease or PD is a progressive movement disorder which gets worse with time.

It is the same disease that the boxer Muhammad Ali had.

So basically, this disease usually occur in those who are above 60 but oh well, I made it seem like you can have it at any age which is wrong so keep it in mind.

There is no cure and know fact what causes it....

Through the book you will kinda see the symptoms that PD have.

You guys ...the thing about my books is that I always have something that people will get aware of. And so at the end of the day, you have learned something.

PD people usually live with this disease and through medication and surgery, the symptoms can be controlled.

And ppl with PD usually fall into depression and anxiety which can be painful.

Coming to the most asked question...if you had read my previous little post at the end you will know Saama is having (DID) or multiple personality disorder.

At the moment, Sabrina is out and controlling her body.

Saama is not in love.

Saama has no idea what is sabrina doing.

Sabrina the other living person in Saama is pretending to be her....

Zaabit doesn't know she is having DID.

And yeah the reason why this another personality is created by Saama is so that she can share her pain and there is a traumatic event that u will have to stick to know.

There is another one chapter and Sabrina perosnality will go away....meaning Saama will face her event of life that led her mind to create Saama.

So that's it....


I love you
Lets make this book the best in wattpad. .... (dreaming high)

Bye bubbles♥

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