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I try to open my eyes, but they begin to hurt from the light. I close my eyes again and then re-open them. I can hear a lot of commotion around me. Looking around the room I see people in beds, with tubes in their arms and machines beeping.

As I move my arm I feel a slight pinch in my arm due to an IV drip being in my arm. A clear liquid is going through the drip.

A nurse walks over to the bed when she notices that I'm awake. She starts speaking Spanish and I get lost with what she's trying to say.


I look around the room and I don't see her anywhere.

Did she survive? Is she with her parents?

The machine I'm hooked to starts going off and the nurse places her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"I was with a little girl. Where is she?"

She looks around. "Darcey Howard? Is that who your looking for?"


A smile spreads across her face. "She's been reunited with her family. They want to see you." She calls the doctor over. "Can you do some tests on her before I get the Howard family to see her."

"Sure," he walks away to get what he needs.

The nurse sits next to me. "Do you know who the Howard's are?"

I nod. "They are like Royal's on this island. No decisions are made without them."

"Good, since you saved their daughter they will be forever in your debt."

I shake my head. "I did what everyone would have done in my situation."

"That's not true. The girl told her father about the teacher that told you to run and leave her behind. You did what a saviour would do. You saved the life of a child that didn't belong to you."


An hour later, the Howard's walk toward my bed and I see Darcey holding a teddy bear. "Julia," she runs over to me.

I smile at her. "Hey, Darcey. How are you?"

"Good," she gives me the teddy. "This is for you."

I take it from her. "Thank you."

Darcey's father stops next to my bed and he introduces himself. "Hello, I'm George Howard. I owe you so much for saving my daughter's life." He looks at my leg that's in plaster. "In saving my daughter's life you got hurt yourself. So, whatever you need I will help you out."

I want to see my family.

"I want to go home."

"I can arrange that to happen in my private plane. As soon as your discharged you can go home if you like."

Darcey cries. "I don't want Julia to go." She throws her arms around me and starts crying.

I wrap my arms around her. "I will visit you from time to time. I haven't seen my family for a really long time and I'm sure they're worried about me."

I wouldn't put it pass my roommate not to have called my family and told them that I was on the Island when the tsunami hit.

When I was living with her she would ask me why I wouldn't go home during the holidays.

I really didn't want to tell her that a guy from school told me not to show my face back in the town or he'd make my life hell. I believed him so I chose to stay away from home.

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