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The next day

I wake up to my alarm going off. I hit the snooze button and close my eyes again. When the alarm goes off for the second time I climb out of bed.

An alert pops up on my phone and it says. First day of work.

A smile spreads across my face. "I'm looking forward to my first shift at the school." I say out loud to no one.

I just wish Cole was here.

Heading to the bathroom I strip off my clothes and climb into the shower. I quickly was my hair and body before stepping out of the shower. Grabbing the towel from the rack I wrap it around my body and then wrap the second one around my long brown hair.

Walking into the bedroom I search the closet for an appropriate outfit to wear to school. I pull out a knee length black skirt and a white button up blouse with black flat shoes.

My phone starts to ring and I see cokes name pop up on the screen. Swiping my finger across it I accept the call.

Me: What's up Cole?

He chuckles at the way I just answered the call.

Cole: The sky? He's quiet for a moment before saying. I want to wish you good luck on your first day at the school. I'm sure you're going to do well. You'll have to tell me everything when I see you tonight.

A smile spreads across my face.

I would like that a lot.

Me: I can't wait. Cole, we're having dinner at my parent's place tonight. I invited Amalia, Braelynn, Bo and the kids. I want them to meet my family.

Cole: Sounds good. It's been awhile since I've had dinner with your family. It's going to be weird eating there without your brother's though.

Me: I know, but it's their fault that they're not part of the dinner as they are now doing horrific stuff with an unknown person. I want to know who's pulling their strings.

Cole's name is being called by a female.

Cole: I have to go. My cousin is calling me. I'll see you tonight. Bye, Julia.

Me: Bye, Cole.

He ends the call and I continue to get myself ready for the day.

There's a knock on the door followed by a female voice saying. "Julia, are you awake?"

"Yeah, you can come in, Amalia." She opens the door and looks around the room. "I thought I heard a male voice."

"You did. It was Cole. He wanted to wish me luck on my first day at school."

She walks over to the bed and sits next to me. "You'll be protected at the school. A few guys and I will be patrolling the school. We got the clearance from Ms. Hyde. She wants to keep her school as safe as possible. Besides, the school board couldn't turn down the request of the new security company that's taking over a majority of schools across the city."

"I'm guessing one of your cousins own this company that we're talking about?"

She nods. "That's all the information that I'm going to give you today. Let's grab some breakfast before we go to the school. I want to see the layout and the best position of your classroom from my vantage point." Amalia stands up and walks over to the door. She opens it and waits for me to stand and lead the way to the kitchen.

When we get to the kitchen there's a small buffet on the table with sausages, bacon, eggs, cooked tomatoes, pancakes with maple syrup, waffles and cereal in containers.

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