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Cole's POV

The following morning Bo and I wake up early and head over to the mansion. He looks in the rearview mirror. "I think we're being followed."

I look at where he's pointing and see a black SUV speeding through the traffic. "Can you drive faster to my cousins?"

"Sure," Bo puts his foot on the accelerator and speeds through the city.

At the gate of the mansion he blares the horn and a couple of guys point the guns at the car.

Two men approach the vehicle being weary of us. "Who are you?" The first one asks.

"Cole Mason. I'm Riker's cousin. He's expecting me."

He puts a walkie talkie up to his mouth and starts talking into it. "There's a Cole Mason at the gate. Can I let him..." he doesn't finish the conversation because we're getting shot at.

Pulling out his gun he aims it at the car behind us and starts firing.

My phone goes off and I see Riker flash across the screen. Swiping my finger across the screen I say.

Me: Hey, Riker.

Riker: What's going on?

Me: We're under attack at your gate. We need more men here.

Riker: We're on our way, Cuz. Stay low in the car.

He hangs up on me.

Looking at Bo I say. "Do you have any guns in the car? We need to protect ourselves. I'm not going to let my cousin think he's the only one in the family that's a bad ass."

Bo laughs. "I was hoping you'd say that. There's a few guns in the back seat. Move the seat forward and you'll see it."

I climb over the chair and into the back seat. Pulling the seat forward I see the guns and give two to Bo.

Taking the Glock from the collection, I open the car door and throw myself out. I aim the gun at the ground where I can see a feet and fire at them.

Someone falls down screaming and then the car screeches away leaving the injured person on the ground.

Riker is going to have fun with this guy.

Bo steps away from me and aims his gun at the guys shoulder. "Why were you following us?"

"Fuck you." The guy spits out.

That's not the answer he's looking for.

Bo shoots him in the shoulder. His jaw tightens as he says. "Now tell me. Why were you following us?"

He spits on Bo's face and says. "Fuck you."

Kneeling down Bo sticks the gun into the guys wound. "If you think this is easy torturing just wait and see what I'll do to you in the chamber."

The guy starts shaking. "I still won't talk."

Bo throws his head back and laughs. "You'll talk after I start peeling all the nails from your fingers and toes. Or after I've broken your hand with a sledgehammer."

His face pales. "You wouldn't do that."

Walking over to him I ask. "Do you know whose property this is?"

He shrugs. "Some rich guy."

Riker steps behind me and says. "Not just any rich guy, but Riker Mesi's."

"Shit," he looks at the ground and his entire body goes rigid and fear crosses his face. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

Kneeling in front of him I say. "What do you mean by that?"

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