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Veronica's POV

I type the name of the restaurant into my GPS and follow the directions to the place. When I get there I pull into a spot close to the alleyway. Looking down the alley I see a group of men wearing suits and holsters are showing I pull my phone out of my pocket and call the boss.

Me: There's eight guys wearing suits in the alley. Send snipers to the building close to Rivera restaurant.

???: Will do. How many men do you need to have inside the restaurant?

Me: Six. They have to wear suits and act like businessmen.

???: If Skyler is there you need to get her as well.

Me: Yes, Boss.

I put my phone back into my pocket and walk over to Cole and Julia. They are holding hands and looking lovingly into each other eyes.

It's a disgusting sight to see.

Putting on the fakest smile I say. "Hey,"

They greet me before we head to the door of the restaurant. Cole's the first one to touch the door and he holds the door open for us.

He's being a gentleman. Which is something my former best friend wanted in a guy. You could call her old fashioned. I prefer to do things on my own without having a man to help me, but my heart still belongs to Liam.

When the mission is over I hope that we can get back together. The boss has separated us because they think it's going to compromise our mission. Nothing like that will happen. As I'm more focused on making her pay for me becoming a criminal and looking desperately to find someone to help me pay the bills.

As soon as I step into the room it has romantic feel to it. The lights are dimmed and petals are on the table.

This is the last thing I want to deal with tonight. Why didn't they tell me to bring a date?

I'm about to ask Julia something when the waitress walks over. She has blonde hair, brown eyes, thin, she's wearing a Rivera shirt that's red, black mini shorts and an apron tied around her waist.

She looks at Cole and says. "Hey, Cole. Those men would like a word with you, Sir." She indicates to the men standing close a door that has a code pad on it.

I hope that's hooked to the electricity. It would make everything a hell of a lot easier for when Julia is taken.

The waitresses name tag catches my eye. 'Skyler.'

We've got them both. I'll have to call the boss and let them know that both girls will be with them before the nights end.

I scan the rest of the building and the men that are talking to Cole are all wearing Italian suits and their guns come into sight when they move their jackets to the side.

Who are these men? What is this place? And why are Cole and Julia tight lipped about this place? Do they know that I'm part of the people that's going to bring Julia down?

The door opens and Cole enters the room with four men. Two men are left standing in the room.

How am I supposed to carry out my plan if these men's eyes are on me all night?

Skyler leads us to our table. She smiles before saying. "Can I get you ladies anything to drink?"

"The finest white wine you have." Julia says, without letting me order what I want.

Skyler scribbles it on her notepad. "Sure, I'll bring the bottle right to you." She walks away.

Leaning back in my chair I say. "This place is a bit too fancy for my liking. Does Cole take you here regularly?"

Julia shakes her head. "This is the first time I've ever been here. It has been on a list of places I want to visit, when I moved back here and now I can cross it off my list."

I look at my phone and send a message to the boss.

Me: There's at least six men in the office. Four guys are in the restaurant and the ones in the back. Is everyone in position?

???: Yes, let me know when we can make a move.

Me: Not, yet. Can you send the men into the restaurant? We need to start the first part of our mission.

???: Will do.

Skyler returns a couple minutes later with the wine and she places it on the middle of the table. "When Cole returns I'll take your order." The door to the restaurant opens and a group of men wearing suits walk into the restaurant. "Excuse me," she says and walks over to the men. She leads them to a table and gives them the menu.
I look at the group of men and notice that it's my boss's men. My shoulders stiffen and Julia notices. "Shit." I stand up. "I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be right back." Quickly I escape from the tables and head towards the bathroom. Opening the door I walk over to the tap and throw water on my face.

This needs to happen soon. I can't let Cole come out of that room before the plan's happened.

Pushing the door open I see one of the men standing close to the door. Waiting for me to exit the bathroom. I pull the gun out of my handbag and put the silencer on. Opening the door again I aim the gun at him, shooting him in the head.

He didn't see that coming and neither will the rest of the men.

I slip around the corner of the restaurant and find the metre box. Flicking the electricity switch the lights turn off. The boss's men do their part of the plan. I walk away from the box and slip out the back door. I keep to the shadows and make it to my car. Putting the keys into the ignition I start it up and drive towards the front door.

Skyler and Julia are both thrown into the trunk of my car. Some of the men climb into the vehicle and I drive to the warehouse in Nevada.

 Some of the men climb into the vehicle and I drive to the warehouse in Nevada

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When I get to the warehouse I see Antwon and Liam standing at the door. Liam keeps his eyes down casted, as he doesn't want people to know how he truly feels about me. "She's in the trunk with Skyler. You know what to do." I bump my shoulder into Liam's as I make my way to the door. Turning around I see him looking at me.

Liam doesn't say anything. He follows his brother to the car and pulls his sister out. Taking the blind fold off her he says. "I'm sorry, Julia." He caresses her cheek. "Antwon, I can't tie her up. You'll have to do it."

Antwon points at Skyler. "You'll have to take care of that girl. She's the one that the boss wants the most." He picks up his sister and Liam picks up Skyler. They walk towards the door and I step aside letting them in. "Thanks," Antwon says, as he walks past me.

 "Thanks," Antwon says, as he walks past me

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