Chapter 1/ You're Fired!

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Before pic of Selena at the side 👆

Selena's POV

"Baby!" He shook my shoulders. "Come on you need to get up! Its almost 7" oh crap! I'm going to be late!

"Why didn't you wake me up!" I yelled.

"I did but you didn't even budge!" He said while helping me to get off the bed.

"OK well, can you make breakfast for me please I'm hungry" yes, thats the life of a foody.

"OK. Do you want a full meal or you're going lighter this morning? You promised youre going to be starting a diet today you know" he scolded.

"Don't worry I'll start tomorrow!" I said while heading into the shower. I don't have time for a long shower this morning, so I quickly lathered my body, ensuring to spend time with my lady parts and rinse off. I had to use two towels to wrap my body because I just couldn't find one that was long enough. It sucked!

I carefully walked out of the shower and got dressed in my uniform. I am currently a pedestrian walker and based right in front of the New Port Jr High school; let me tell you I hated it!

"COME ON LENA YOURE GOING TO BE LATE!!" Jason yelled from the kitchen. Hes, my fiancé. I honestly don't really know how we ended up together. He's tall and handsome with dark brown eyes and chocolate skin and fit, a gym junky I usually teased at him. He's a trainer at the Rock Hall gym. I on the other hand am the complete opposite. I am fat, morbidly obese one would call me. I was always a big girl but when my dad died, I just kept on eating and the pounds kept on gaining. I am short, with black hair, and I have dark skin with a confidence scale of 20 percent.

"I'm coming!" I was never really the makeup type; I just added a little eyeliner but this morning they refuses to go directly under my eyes. So instead, I ended up looking like a 2-year-old Doodled underneath my eyes! Ugh!

"Fuck it!" I quickly ran into the kitchen as fast as I could to go get breakfast.

"A-Are Y-you" I took deep breaths in. I really need to lose some weight! "D-done!?" I said breathlessly while tucking my chest.

"Damn baby are you OK?" He asked. "Did you use a mirror this morning?" Is it that obvious?

"Y-yea I A-Ah just need to c-catch my b-breath!" I could hardly breathe! "I don't have t-the time to fix it!"

"Well, OK. Here's your breakfast, now go! Thompson is going to kill you!" Yea she is. I never liked a bone in her skinny ass.

"Yea see you later baby!" I pecked his lips and waddled through the door.


"Miss Daniels this is the fourth time youre late this week. What if one of the children tried crossing on their own? Thank heavens Lucy was there to cover your shift!" My supervisor yelled "And what's up with your face?" Shit!

"I'm so sorry Ms. Thompson it won't happen again" I hung my head low." I was running late so it was .... Yea" I don't know what else to say! I think it's safe to say it's time to go job hunting.

"Well do something about it you don't want to scare the poor children! And haven't I heard that one before?" She got up from around her desk and walked over to me "Listen Selena, I'm giving you one more chance. If your late another morning that's it, youre gone. Do you understand?" She said calmly.

"Yes" nodding my head I went through the door.

"LENA! Lucy yelled, " What the fuck's up with your face!?" Yup, I look terrible... No scratch that horrible!

"Don't ask! Thanks for bailing me out. I owe you!" I said while giving her a hug. Lucy has been my friend for over 10 years and our friendship has its ups and downs, but she was the closest thing to a family. She had baby blue eyes and blond hair. She was way slimmer than me. Her curves hugged everything that she wore, and I did feel jealous. I hated going out with her because all the hot men usually give her compliments.

"Well, thats what sisters are for" She hugged me and gave me a wipe from her bag. "Use this you look hideous. Well, I must get going I have a date!" She squealed. She told me she was seeing this cute guy she met over the internet and he's not a creeper so far so she's giving him a chance.

"Well, I wish you all the best. Bring me a doggy bag OK!" I yelled while she walked off. Now off to this crappy job. Ugh!!


"Kids walk up! The light is green! Green means go!" I swear it every morning these children give me hell deliberately. They would either walk across the street like snails like this morning or they would try and trip me. Now I don't stand for Bull Shit. I'm a 25-year-old woman for God sakes.... who... walks.... rotten children.... across the GOD FORSAKEN ROAD! "I HATE MY FUCKING JOB!!"

"Geez lady we were just playing!" One of the kids said. I didn't even realise I said that out loud.

"Just go to school Lili boy. SORRY FOR THE HOLD UP!!" I yelled to the cursing motorists. My day is the worst.

"So, you hate your job that much huh Ms Daniels?" For the love of God!

"No Ms Thompson I was just singing a song" really?

"I see" she stepped towards me. "Well, I would be happy to inform you that today will be your last day at this crappy job you hate so much" Please let this be a joke!

"I'm fired!?" I needed this job! How am I going to start my catering company now!?

"Yes! you are" she smirked "F--I--R--E--D..... Fired!" She spelled out. Lord, please hold my tongue. I still need a recommendation from this twig.

"Well, OK Ms Thompson I won't fight you on your decisions" keep it calm baby.

"I didn't expect you to. And if you think you can ever get a recommendation from this company youre mistaken because youre the worst em-" before she could finish her sentence, I gave her what was coming a long time ago.

"AAHH... THAT FUCKING HURTS!!" I gave her a God damn slap across her face. This bitch was 20 years old. 20.... and I have been putting up with her snickering and unnecessary complaints but guess what? I'm free bitch!!

"I will do it again too. Better yet I will sit on you, you twig!" I threaten while stepping towards her "I have been good to this dump you call a company for 5 years! 5 God damn years! And out of those 5 years, I can count on one hand the amount of time you dip shits paid me in full! Now listen and listen well. I expect to see my checks inside my mail by tomorrow or else I will sue your wretched company" I snarled at her while pushing her out of the way. She's so light, as a feather.

While walking on the road I began to strip out of my uniform. Now before you get all hysterical on me, it was only a stupid orange vest, a stupid cap, and a stupid sign. I felt free. I wanted to eat a big ole Mac with extra crispy bacon on the side with creamy cheese dipping and curly fries. Oh, how can I forget onion rings dipped and fried in a double buttery batter. Mmmmm! And a diet coke after all I'm on a diet.

After buying my freedom food I decided to walk home slowly since I started the diet you know I'm watching my weight. But mostly it was a block away and I'm not spending 50 bucks on cab fare. That could get me 50 White Castle mini burgers!!

Bending the corner to my house I couldn't help but to see Lucy's car parked at the front. I thought she was on a date! Entering the house, I decided to play spy and go all mission impossible, omitting the floor's tumbling. I'm trying to lose weight not to join the bloody army!

I couldn't find any of them. The living room and kitchen were empty. But I couldn't help but hear moans coming from my bedroom!!

It was at this moment in time I felt like having a heart attack!

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