Chapter 6/ Holy Shit!

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Selena POV

As I feel his plump lips on mine, I was lost. Lost in a world with just Nicholas Brown. My first. My ex..... MY EX!!!. I pulled away breathlessly from our kisses. While looking into his eyes I wanted to kiss him again, but it felt wrong.

"I-I'm so sorry Lena!" He said while backing away.

"No! Don't be. It just caught me off guard"

"I'm sorry" he hung his head low. "Come on I'll show you to your room" he stepped off before allowing me to answer. I thought the outside of the house was beautiful. The inside is even more beautiful! There was an inside pool for fuck sake!!! There were beautiful paintings and sculptures. I still don't know what kinda work he does!

"Well, here you are. Its not much but its still cozy" is he serious! It's beautiful. The room is painted in mint green and there are paintings and don't get me starting on the bed!!

"Its beautiful Nick. Thank you." I said while smiling.

"Yea your welcome. I'll be downstairs if you need me" he said while leaving

I wonder if he can rent me this room. I would be happy to leave Jason! As I plopped down on the bed I realized I didn't have shit to put on Fuck!!. And I'm sure as hell Nick's clothes cannot fit!!!

"FUCK!!" I yelled. I felt like crying. As I marched downstairs I decided to find Mr smarty pants who decided to bring me to his house without considering the fact that I'm huge!!..... Girl calm down!

I practically walked all over the house, and I couldn't find him! Well, OK not all over but the main places I thought he might be. As I turned to go upstairs, I heard some music coming from a room. Walking closer to it I slightly pushed the door open so I could have a peep. Sweet baby Jesus! As I watch this sculpted specimen on the treadmill with sweat dripping from down his body I sure as hell envied those sweat droplets! and he's topless!!!

"Are you finished eye raping me, Lena?" He chuckled while turning off the machine and stepped closer to me. How the hell did he see me?

"I smelled your perfume" he answered my confused facial expression.

"OK. I'm sorry. I was looking all over for you" I said while looking everywhere else except him. I couldn't look at him! I would do something I won't regret.

"Will you look at Me, Lena?" He chuckled Well now you've found me. What's up?" Why did I come down here again? .... Think... Think.... Shit.... I bit my lips. Oh, shit yes clothes

He let out a breath "Stop doing that Lena" he said while he released my lips. My cheeks were red!

"Did you think about what would I be wearing when I got here? Its obvious your clothes can't fit cause I'm huge" I said while looking on the ground. He raised up my face with one of his fingers under my chin and smiled.

"Don't do that. Your beautiful you hear me?" His smile was vanished and replaced with seriousness "And I did. Why did you think I stopped at target?" He smiled. " Now come on my chocolate chip" he said while leading me to God knows where! Chocolate chip!!? Hell, I'll be your chocolate factory!!!

We went into a big room it looked like the king lived here! His bed was like gold brownish bedposts with meshed lined. And the sheet spreads ... Jesus!!! I'm lost for words right now!

"Your room is amazing Nick!" I couldn't control it anymore.

"Thank you! Now let's get you out of those clothes" he dug through the bags and gave me sweatpants and a T-shirt. Thanks. Have a good night ok" I said while walking off.

"I didn't say you could leave Lena," he said while latching on to my waist. Legs don't fail me now!!

"W-What are you doing?" I said timidly.

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