Chapter 10/ Please dont leave me!

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Nick POV

Selena is just the best thing that ever happened to me. When we were younger, I was her first and I did love her, its just mom and dad insisted that we moved back to London because Dad got a better paying job. I was heartbroken when I had to leave her. Sure she was always a big girl but I never had a problem.

The last couple of months has been great! Although she told me she had a fiancée. When she dropped that bomb on me, I wanted to just die; but when she explained the situation it made me happy in some cases. How can that bastered cheat on her with her friend!? She's a complete package!

"Mr. Brown. Clive is here to see you" my secretary said.

"OK send him in" I've been running this editorial for quite a while now. When dad died I inherited the company along with other stuff since I was the only child. Mom died a couple of years before he did and that tore our relationship apart. But I always loved staying by myself anyways.

"Good morning, Mr. Brown. Its been a while" he said while shaking my hand. He's the top realtor in the city and I wanted to surprise Selena by locating a great spot for her Catering company. I would pay for it of course. After all, she's mine.

"Yea. Well, we're face to face now right. Brandy?" I offered and handed him a glass "right now let's talk business. What do you have for me?"

"We have this lot. Its a bit old though. Exposed bricks on the inside and the space is huge. Good for the company youre starting. Its a rustic vibe" he explained. I think she would like this.

"OK, what else?" I said. After 20 different places, I'm a bit confused but I know she would love the first choice.

"OK I'll choose the top 5 and get back to you by the weekend OK," I said while choosing my options.

"OK sir that's fine by me. I'll look out for your call. Have a nice day" he said while getting up.

"You too Clive. You should stop by sometimes to have a drink or two" I ushered him to the door.

"Anytime Mr. Brown" he smiled and walked off.

"Doris a minute" I called my secretary into my office

"What do you think of these? Its for a catering company. Which would you choose?" I showed her the options

"Well, this one look OK but looks a bit amateur like your just trying something" she pointed at a full green building. It was big but it wasn't speaking to me. "Ooo I like this one!" She pointed at my number one option "it looks authentic like a rustic vibe is going on with it. It also looks think you have a lot an experience too. So why are you buying a building for a catering company?" Ugh!

"Thanks for your input that would be all" I dismissed her. He's too inquisitive for her own good.

"Yes sir," she said while stepping off. I need to show Selena these.




"Hey, baby. Can we go out tonight? I miss you" I whined. I loved her company.

"I don't know about tonight baby. I have a double shift I'll be tired!"

"You know I don't take no for an answer Missy. Expect multiple calls from me!" I chuckled

"Yes, sir I am aware of that" she said in a seductive voice. God! Her voice is just such a Turn on! "I have to go OK. I'll talk to you later" she said while hanging up.

She means a lot to me. She always has. When I saw that she wanted to come exercise with me into my gym I was a bit taken back. I didn't have a problem with her weight, so I didn't get it. But when I saw that she was indeed losing weight and looking even more beautiful, I never want her to stop. Well of course I would want her to stop at some point. I never really liked skinny women. But she's on the right track. I'll encourage her if she wants me to and its something good.

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