Chapter 26/ What have you done!?

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Selena POV

It's 12:30 and I have no idea where Nick is. I have been calling him, but I haven't gotten an answer. When I went outside David is nowhere to be seen. Sigh. I hate this feeling!

I decided to walk back downstairs to see if David had come back. When I was about to open the front door David opened it Instead with a drunk Nick stumbling on the floor.

"What happened David!?" I've never seen him so drunk!

"He was drinking at Sophia's. He called me when he thought he had enough" he kicked Nick.

"Ouch! That bloody hurts David!" He hissed "I'm not drunk. I just had too much to drink!" He chuckled.

"Thanks, David I'll take it from here" he nodded and left. "What am I going to do with you Nichols Anthony Brown!?" I yelled while crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry baby. Please don't yell" he held his head.

"Walk your ass upstairs right now since youre not drunk. I'll be waiting" I turned to go upstairs. Sigh, he has gone insane!

It took him 10 minutes to tumble through the damn door. I wasn't going to help him. He has to explain to me!

"Took you long enough" I lashed out

"I'm sorry OK baby" he ran to the bathroom to puke. I got up and patted his back.

"N-no.... Let me..... Be..." He said between gags. I can't leave him like this.

"Shut up!" I hissed. He got up and rinsed out his mouth. "Just drink some water too," I said.

"I'm sorry baby" sigh.

"youve said that million times. What happened?" I crossed my arms.

"I just spoke to a couple of my family" he said while drying his face.

"Family? Who! Your parents are gone Nick and you don't have any siblings!" What the hell is he talking about!?

"Babe. There's a lot you don't know about me OK". He looked upon me. Why is he telling me this now!

"Like what?" I asked timidly.

"Relax babe" he chuckled "I haven't killed anyone in my life OK. I promise he crossed his heart.

"Explain Nick"

"Back in collage I had the friend Albertó. His father is aligned with the Mafia, and I became a part of their familia. They always looked out for me" he looked at me. My face was emotionless.

"Youre fucking with me, right?"

"No baby I'm not" he took out a photo and showed me "See him" he pointed at a elderly man "He's Papi. He's like my father. And he's Alberto" he pointed at a younger version of papi. He's not fucking.

"Youre not joking!" I tore my eyes open.

"Calm down baby. I'm not" he stepped towards me while I stepped back "Babe please don't do that" he plopped down on the bed. "I told them what he did to you" oh my fucking God!

"WHAT DID YOU DO NICK!?" What if he's dead!?

"Babe relax OK. He's not dead.... Hopeful" he looked deep in thoughts.

"RELAX! RELAX! YOU BASICALLY KILLED HIM NICK!" I yelled. I didn't want him dead!

"He's not dead Selena" he got up and came close to me "but he's going to remember never to lay a hand on you again" he said while holding me close to his chest. I can't believe he would do this. To protect me.

"Baby look" he raised my chin "I would do anything for you. Do you understand?" He ran his thumb across my lips.

"Yea" I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

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