Chapter 33/ Mr sucker!?

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Selena POV

When I was finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror. Did I overdress? I don't think so. Its my dinner so who gives a fuck!? I took one last look in the mirror, and I could already see the look on Nick's face. Priceless!

"Miss Daniels your guests are here" David called from behind the door.

"I'm coming out now" I walked towards the door and opened it. David was right in front of my breasts! He couldn't help but look.

"Eyes up here David" I chuckled.

"I-I am so sorry miss Daniels. Forgive me. You look stunning"

"That's OK. That's the exact reaction I'm looking from Nick" I smirked.

"Believe me he will" he smiled " I've heard about you guys little bet" he smirked. Shaw! "Don't worry my bet is on you" he smiled and gave me a 100 bill.

"You sneaky little man!" I giggled and stuck the money in my breast. After all theyre big for a reason. "Thank you. He's not going to hold out" I smirked "But hey! I shouldn't be speaking to you! You never gave me Any information!" I hit his arm.

"I'm sorry miss Daniels. Nick would kill me" he chuckled.

"Well, I'm not speaking to you" I stepped off and walked down the stairs. Then I saw him. He was in this Burgundy suit with a black inside shirt. God damn, that suit fits him like a glove. Smirking at him I knew this was too easy.

"Selena, you look amazing!" Mom squealed and hugged me.

"Thank you mom," I smiled. Nick was only staring at my ass and boobs! "Nick" I said in an amused voice.

"I'll be meeting Spencer outside" mom smirked and left. How many people know about our bet!?

"God damn baby what are you doing to me?" He latched on to my waist. My feet almost gave way!

"You don't look too shabby yourself" I smirked and licked his earlobe.

He sucked in a breath "Fuck it! I can't do it, baby! Let's go in the bathroom" I could feel his bulge!

"Wow, that's all it took?" I smirked.

"Baby please OK. Why did you wear that dress!? Now everybody is going to be looking on what's mine!" He whined.

"I'm the devil tonight. I was prepared. It worked didn't it" I smirked.

"Yes! Yes it did now can you please go change?" He pouts.

"Why should I?" I argued.

"Because I'm the only one should be seeing these!" He kissed my breaths and spanked me. I would be lying I said I wasn't wet.

"Baby stop! We have company!" I giggled. "OK fine! Are you coming?" I bit my lips.

"Fuck yes! You don't have to ask twice!" He took my hand and walked me upstairs in a brisk movement. I knew he would crack.


"Where the fuck have you two been!?" Shaw yelled at us.

"We um. My zipper broke" ugh! I didn't have a zip!

"Bitch I bought you the dress! Where the fuck is it? Oh my god! Which one of you broke first!?" Her eyes grew wide.

"Who do you think?" I smirked at Nick.

"Whatever!" He shrugged.

"Oh, fuck yes! Girl power right there! You look pretty though" she smiled. I was in a fully back dress with a slit at the front and my cleavages was still showing. With some black pumps. Nick said I should find another dress, but I loved this one!

"Thank you, girly!" I squealed.

"Girls you have the entire night to talk about me failing OK. Can we just go and meet our guests" he said sourly?

"OK baby" I pecked his lips.

"I really want to rip that dress like I did with the other one you know. You know fucking amazing!" His hands went from behind my waist a squeezed my ass!

I turned to face him "Baby behave! You have no idea how much I want to sit on that dick" I squeezed his bulge and smirked "Hi Spencer! Glad you could make it!" I turned and hugged mom fiancé.

"Great to be here. Your home is gorgeous" he smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled and elbowed Nick who was still in shock from what I did. "Yes, yes thank you!" He cleared his throat.

"What did you two do?" Mom dragged me aside.

"He gave in mom. I know you know about the bet" I smirked.

"I knew he would!" She laughed.

"What's so funny?" He came and pecked moms cheek

"Nothing. Just talking about the weather" she said while I snorted.

"Well, well well if it isn't sucker!" Are you fucking kidding me!?

"What are you doing here!?" I snapped while Nick rose his eyebrow.

"You know him?" Nick looked at me confused.

"Maybe" I smiled weakly.

"So, I'm guessing this is your beloved bride" Mr sucker asked Nick.

"Yeah. Selena this is Freddy. We went to college" he introduced us.

"So, Miss Daniels how was your cat dog's funeral?" Bloody shit!

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