Chapter 24/ I'm gonna kill him!

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Nick POV

After punishing Selena this morning, she gave me the same look she did the last time when I punish her. I regretted my actions, but she cannot pull that stunt on me again! She knows I'm a jealous lover and I don't tolerate certain shit. Its now 5 oclock and I have been trying to call her but she ignored my calls. I hate this.

"Mr brown?" Doris called.

"What!!" I snapped. I cannot function like this.

"Sorry to disturb but Mr. Williams is here to see you" I'm not in the mood for this cunt! "Tell him I'm not here," I told her

"He's in the waiting area sir" Sigh.

"Send him in"

"Mr. Brown nice seeing you too" he smiled.

"What do you want Williams?" I refuse to take his offer!

"Relax. No need for hostility" he raised his hands. "I just simply came to inquire about something" he was my rival. He always wanted me to sell the editorial so he could own the majority of the city. But I will not fall for his scheme.

"Inquiry? About what?"

"A little birdy told me that you are planning on starting a catering company. I had no idea you were into the culinary arts" he gave me a sly smile. How the fuck did he know about that!?

"Look, Williams. Cut the crap. This has nothing to do with you or anyone else so please get out of my business" I snapped.

"I'm just being plain old inquisitive Williams. Look, I still want to buy your company. I'll give you 129 million that's the highest I'll go" is he sick!?

"I don't want your mo-"

"135 million" he cooed. I don't want a thing from him.


"Come on Bro-"

"NO!" I yelled, "I suggest you leave this office this instance and do not return you hear me?" I warned.

"Is that a threat?"

"Oh no Mr Williams I don't do threats" I snarled "Now leave before I call security to escort you out" how dear he. His generation have been trying to get a hold of this company for decades and I will not be the one to break tradition.

"OK Mr Brown. We will talk soon" he smiled and went through the door.

"Doris get your ass here right now!" I yelled through the intercom.

"Yes sir?"

"How the fuck did Williams know about the catering company!?"

"I-I-I" she stutters.

"Spit it out Doris!"

"I don't know sir" she focused on everything except me.

"Stop fucking lying Doris" I got up. "Its only 4 persons knew about this. Myself, Clive, my fiancée and you!" I snarled at her.

"I-I don't know sir" she stammers.

"Look Doris. Stop fucking pissing me off! Clive wouldn't be out of his mind to disclose confidential matters to others and Selena doesnt even know him. Myself hates his guts. That leaves one person. You" I stepped closer.

"Sir I swear!" She said with tears in her eyes. I don't believe her!

"Stop lying Doris!" I yelled.

"Bro what the fucks going on!?" Damian burst open the door.

"Ask her" I pointed at her " she told Williams I was starting a fucking catering company! Its not even for me its for Selena! I don't want that cunt near her!" I yelled.

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