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Selena POV

"Mommy where is my unicorn!!? "

"Its in your toy box Kiara! "

"I can't find Mr snuggles! " Kiara started to cry.

"Ok, ok baby I'm coming!" I yelled from the kitchen. "Oh, where can Mr. Snuggles be? " I started to look around. "Is it under the bed? " I quickly looked there while she follows.

"No! " She yelled.

"Ok ok. Is it beside the nightstand? " I peeped over.

"No mommy! " She cried.

"Ok fine. I think I know where he is, he's under the covers! " I lifted the sheets while she dove underneath "I found it! I found it! " I began to tickle her.

"Mommy mommy I'm not Mr. Snuggles! " She giggled.

"Oh, yea. Here he is! " I gave her the unicorn.

"What are my two most favourite girls in the world up to? " Nick came through the door.

"Daddy! " Kiara yelled and leaped for him.

"Hey little mouse. What were you and mommy doing?

"Looking for Mr. Snuggles " she shoved her toy in front of his face.

"I'm glad you both found him" he smiled.

"Hey baby. How was work? " I took up his jacket and briefcase from the floor.

"Boring. I couldn't wait to get home to my ladies! " He tickled Kiara while she giggled and he pecked my lips.

"I can't believe it's been three years already"

"Three wonderful years" he smiled. Yep, it has been three years since Nick and I've been married. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She looks so much like Nick.

Our company took off. Now we have three different franchises, and the editorial is a hit. We couldn't ever ask for anything better.

Jason and Lucy broke up after the twins were born. Maybe its because they were down syndrome. It's kinda messed up really. I asked for forgiveness after I laughed. Bitch, I'm gradually healing.

Al and Shaw got married a year ago and they have been going on strong. I'm so proud of them, and as for Tiffy and Pepeto, they are engaged. Although they argue and go back to each other they are still inseparable.

Mom and Spencer had their December wedding. 'Winter Wonderland' she called it. She's happy and I'm glad she is. Last week I walked in on them doing it! Might I add she's very flexible for her body mass and age!

Freddy found someone who's just as weird as him. 'He found her at the park'. That's what he said, he sounded like she was a lost puppy or toy! But at least he found someone.

Damien and Ashley worked out their differences. They went through counselling, and they even have a baby on the way!

looking out into the sunset I wouldn't ask for anything different. I'm happy, Nick's happy, everyone's happy, well except Lucy and Jason of course. Hey, what goes around comes around right.

Hey guys that's THE END!!!!!!

I'm so grateful for all the support I've gotten from my old and new readers. I know my epilogue is a bit shitty but I still love you all ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.

That's again you guys. 💋💋💋

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