Chapter 8/ suspicions

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Jason POV

I've been watching Lena keenly for the past 2 months and I've noticed that (a) she has been looking a bit smaller. I don't know. Maybe my eyes are fooling me, but she has been eating less and eating salads. Its strange to see but at least she finally takes control of herself. And (b) she's sleeping out a lot. When I question her about her whereabouts, she shrugs me off and says she's by a friend! Now I know that she works late and all. By the time she comes in, I'm sleeping but when I wake up in the mornings or late at night, she's missing.

The week before she turned off her phone. Lucy and I have been calling and texting, but she never replied to any of us! I've had my suspicions that Selena found a toy. As in a lover. Hey, I'm not innocent but I'm a jealous lover.

"Have you seen Lena today?" Lucy asked

"No why have you?"

"No. I haven't, she's not at work either" what the fuck is going on?

"OK. I'll call you back OK" I hung up the phone. Things are getting fishy I need to call Mark.




"Ay yo Mark can you swing by the house today?"

"Yea. Give me 5" he said. He was the only one I could talk to about things like these. 10 minutes had passed when the doorbell rang.

"Dude, you said 5 minutes!" I scolded

"Yea yea sorry I had to bring some bears" he held up 2 six-packs of bears.

"Great we're gonna need them!" I said while walking him in.

"So, what's up? You sounded worried" after I gave him the whole rundown about the new Selena saga, he was literally frozen.

"Dude!!" I snapped my fingers.

"Sorry man. But I'm sorry to say but Selena is cheating on you" he said in a monotone.

"She's what? I don't think so"

"Jas the signs are there! Can't you see them!!?" He shouts and gets up. Pasting back and forth he continued "you said she's eating less, losing weight, sleeping out! Heck you've lost her Jas. You can't blame anyone but yourself-" the front door cut him off.

"Thanks David! I'll see you later!" Selena yelled from the black Hummer! What the fuck!?

"Oh, hey Mark. Jason" she stepped off into the room. Both Mark and my eyes were wide with surprise. What the fuck just happened?

"Well, that's my cue to leave" Mark said while getting up. "Dude don't be mad she found a rich dude to bang! You started it!" He chuckled while walking through the door.... Ass.

I decided to try and calm myself down before talking to her because I don't want to add fire to my fury!



"Babe who's David?" I asked as she took off her heels. When's the last time she wore fucking heals!!?.... Never!!

"He's a friend of a friend," she said while changing. She got new underwear too!!?

"Those are new. They look expensive" I pointed at her lace panty.

"Yea bought some the other day. After all, I'm working now, right?" she said while going into the bathroom. I cannot handle her right now. I changed into something road appropriate and head through the door.

"Hey, buttercup can I come to see you?" I need to blow off some steam!


"So, she just blew you off like that?" After I told Lucy was transpired, she was equally shocked as me. I can't believe Lena is doing this right now.

"But isn't that what you wanted Jas? To leave her and come to me?" OK with me and Lucy's relationship I just had her as a stress reliever. Yes, it went on for a year, but I just don't see her as my girlfriend.

"Yea sure" I said while getting up from the bed.

"What's the problem Jas?" You!! I wanted to scream.

"Nothing I just need to go home. I'll call you later" I said while walking off. Sure, I was thinking of leaving Lena, but she has been changing and my mind is changing! I can't give her up!





Next morning

I'm surprised to see her laying on the bed beside me. Its been a very long time since she did that.

"Babe" I shook her

"Baby!" She doesn't budge.

"Selena!" She shot open her eyes to look at me.

"Will you let me sleep! I have a double shift today you know!" She hissed and turned her back to me.

"Babe" I poked her side. Yes, I want some kat so what its been a while!

"What is it, Jason!?" Geez

"I just want some sex!"

"Well not today I'm tired!" She hisses and gets up. What the fuck is this!!

"Selena its not going to take long"

"No!" She said and walked into the bathroom. I need to do something Fast!

"Fine! Be that way!" I yelled and went I to the kitchen. I can probably sweet her up with breakfast. I went into the fridge to get some Cheddar. I'm going to look after her favourite grilled cheese and bacon I know she would love it. When I was through, she came into the kitchen fully dressed for work without acknowledging the fact that I'm standing right in front of her!

"Babe I've made breakfast" I placed the meal in front of her.

"That's OK I'll have a granola bar" she said while walking through the door. Fuck! I've really lost her.

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