Chapter 19/ What!?

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Selena POV

Please don't let it be!!

Please don't let it be him!


"BABY OPEN THE DOOR!" Nick yelled from outside. Oh, thank God! No, wait! Jason!

As I opened the door with trembling hands, I stared into the eyes I don't know. His eyes looked wild and dangerous. "What did you do!" I screamed.

"I did what I had to do. Don't worry I didn't kill him Selena" he said and shut the door. "Girls where do you live?" He said in a monotone. Its like he didn't just shoot someone!

"Garvey Drive" shaw said. I knew they were still shaken up. I still can't comprehend what just happened.


"Baby. Wake up we're home" Nick shook my shoulders lightly. I didn't even realise I was sleeping.

"OK," I said while walking out of the car. He needs to tell me what just took place.

As I went into the room, I felt everything crashing down on me. My chest began to get tight, and I began to hyperventilate. The only thing I could do was to tear off the clothes from my back. I felt claustrophobic.

"Baby!" Nick yelled and ran to my side. I couldn't explain it. I guess its reality kicking In. I don't know my fiancé.

"No! No! No! Leave me alone!" I yelled and backed away.

"Baby please don't do this" he whispered.

"I shouldn't!? YOU JUST FUCKING SHOT SOMEONE! MY FUCKING EX!" I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Babe just let me explain, will you?" He said while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Please," I said while crossing my arm.

"I have already spoken to the chief of police about him. He said I should give him a warning and I have. Multiple times" he said and got up from the bed "I had blanks into my gun.... This time" he took off his clothes and was only left in his boxers. Its not the right time Lena! Fuck he's hot!

"So, he's not. Dead?" I said a little too happily.

"No, he's not. Don't sound too excited because if he ever comes near you again, I have the right and go-ahead to shoot him like a bird" he said while pecking my lips.

"How do you even have a freaking gun!?"

"Babe. I'm the CEO of my company. Don't you think I need some defence?" He smiled and went on the bed to lay down. "Come on I wanna sleep and you know I can't without you" he pouts. What the heck am I going to do with him?

"No I'm not sleeping with you tonight!" I teased but he took it seriously.

"Babe I'm not joking. Come on" he said while getting up from the bed.

"No, I'm going to sleep into my room" I began to walk off. The next thing I know is that I'm pressed against the door by a very erected sexy devil.

"Youre not going anywhere doll" he said while nibbling on my ear.

"OK daddy" I said in a seductive voice. And I know for a fact that the rest of the night will be filled with moans.


"Baby" Nick poked my cheek. Ugh!

"Baby wake up" no I don't want to. Its his fault I went to bed 3 Oclock!

"Baby! Don't you have work this morning?" He chuckled.

"No" I mumbled on the pillow "I'm starting fresh Monday. Now leave me alone!" I hissed I'm tiered!

"Well as much as I don't want to leave your sexy ass" he spanked my ass "I have to. Some stupid stakeholders are coming for a meeting. But we are going to look on the building OK. So get ready by 2. David will be out there waiting" I really wanted to stay in bed!

"Baby do it tomorrow! I wanna sleep!" I whined.

"You have a lot of hours to go sunshine. Now come on up! Up! Up!" He said while spanking me.

"Baby don't turn me on. I'm up now go to work" I giggled.

"OK, I'll go. I want my kiss!" He pouts.

"OK OK fine!" I got up and pecked his lips.

"What the heck was that?" He asked.

"What!? A kiss" I justified.

"I don't want that. I want one like what you gave me last night" he grinned.

"I have morning breath dummy"

"So, I still want it!" He said while grabbing me and gave me a good French kiss. Damn I love his tongue!

"Now go before I tie you to the bed" I bit my lips.

"Damn baby. I wouldn't mind that at" he began to kiss me but I quickly rolled off the bed and landed on my ass.

"Ouch! Fuck!" I cried.

"What you did that for!?" He chuckled while helping me up.

"I'm trying to run from you ass!"

"OK fine! I'm going" he said while spanking my ass. "Remember to get ready on time OK" he said while going towards the door. "I love you Mrs Brown"

"I love you Mr Brown"


"I'm getting to fare your boyfriend Lena" shaw said. I knew she would be. I was.

"Look let me explain what happened" I said while giving her the whole run down her mouth were wide open.

"Will you close your mouth!?" I scolded.

"I'm just in awe. I want someone to fight for me too!" She pouts.

"Oh, shut up! Where's Tiffy?" She was supposed to meet up with us about an hour ago!

"I don't know. She said she was on her wa-"

"I'm here! I'm here!" Tiffy ran breathlessly.

"Damn girl what's up with you?" Shaw chuckled.

"I-I have been r-running about a block now. I just kick a man in his balls!" What!?

"Why the hell did you do that!?" I yelled.

"He spanked my ass!" She yelled back.

"Well serves his right!" Shaw added. Why do I have the feeling I should be somewhere?

"You OK Lena?" Tiffy asked l.

"Yea. Well, I don't know. I keep having the feeling I should be somewhere I honestly do- FUCK! NICK'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I yelled while getting up from the table.

"Where the heck are you going!?" Both asked. I have no time to answer them at all.

"TAXI!!" I yelled God damn I'm tired. When it stopped at my feet I quickly jumped in "21 main street" I told him.

"Yes mam" he replied. It didn't take long for him to reach. But its what I saw next scared the shit out of me.

"Pull over! How much?" I asked while looking at the car parked into the driveway.

"30 bucks" 30 buck!!

"Crook!" I said while throwing it on him. Won't take him again. While walking closer towards the house I opened the main gate with my key while my eyes never leaving the car.

Suddenly my nightmares became a reality when I saw them coming out of the house together!

What the fuck!!

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