Chapter 45 Ppppshhhhh

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Selena's POV

"What am I doing here Jason!?" I spat

"What do you mean? We got married yesterday" he said with a concerned look on his face.

"Jason stop fucking with me. I got married yesterday indeed but it wasn't to you.... You slime bag! " I threw a frying pan in his direction, but he sighted it.

"Lena what the fuck is wrong with you!? We got married yesterday. We had a great time even the boys loved when Snoop Dog came to sing for us!" Snoop Dog? I began to laugh.

"Firstly, it wasn't Snoop Dog. It was Nicki Minaj and Maroon 5 who came to sing at Nick, and I wedding! You were in a wheelchair with that backstabbing bitch Lucy!" As I remembered the bitch I regretted not doing some damage to her. Ugh!

"Will you please stop saying this Nick person? I don't know who he is. And the Lucy incident you told me you forgave me, and we moved forward. Why are you bringing this up again? It was a mistake, Lena. I can't say sorry for all of eternity! He yelled. What! I forgave who!?

"Look, Jason. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I need to go look for my friends because this is driving me INS... " My words were cut off by two handsome

teenage boys strolling into the kitchen. Twins to be exact.

"Hey mom, yesterday was the bomb! I know I dropped it like its hot! " One of the boys said. Did he just say, mom!?

"Did you just call me mom!? "

"Um yes. Dad what's going on. Is mom, ok? " He knitted his eyebrows together.

"I'm not sure Jake. She's scaring me too. She keeps telling me she's married to this Nick dude. I need to call Shaw and Tiffy"

"No, you don't have to. I'm going over there right now" I began to shoot out of the kitchen.

"Baby, have you forgotten that they are in Dubai? " No no no!

"I need to get out of here! " I yelled and ran upstairs for some clothes. I can't stay here. He hurt me Also that bitch! "I need my Nick!" I began to sob.

"Where are you going Lena, youre not leaving me again" He said while walking closer to me slowly with a knife in his hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Jason!? Let me go!" I yelled while he held on to my wrist and drag me downstairs.

"I told you NEVER to speak that name here again, but you never listen" He spat.

"AHHH! LET ME GO! WHERE'S NICK!? " I yelled.

"Don't worry your pretty little head" He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me closer to him "He's gone for good" He smiled. Nick's dead!!

"Please please please" I began to sob.

"Please please please" he mocked. "I'll never let ANYONE have you. Do you understand? If I can't have you, no one will" By this time I was into the basement. The two boys who claimed to be my sons grabbed a rope and tied me up.

"Please I'm begging you. Nick, I'll love you. You only. Just please let me go!" After I just realized what I just said his face was hard.

"What the fuck did you just say? " He stalked towards me.

"Its a mistake, Jason, please. I love you" I tried to convince him. Even saying I loved him tasted bitter and foreign on my tongue.

"That's no mistake bitch. What did I tell you about that home wrecker's name!? " He pulled my hair backward.

"Please, Jason! " I begged

"ANSWER ME! " He pulled harder.

"Never to say it" I closed my eyes.

"And what did you do? " He cooed

"S-say it" I stuttered.

"And do you deserve this punishment? " He trailed his fingers along my collar bone.

"N-No..... I mean yes" I changed my answer when he shot death glares at me.

"Good. I think so too" He smiled. "Pour the fuel all over the room. Ensure its covering everywhere" Is he insane!?

"NICK PLEASE DON'T...... I MEAN JASON PLEASE! " I yelled. I need Nick to save me from this monster!!

"You haven't learnt a thing! Pity all this sweetness has to perish" He spat. "Soak her with it too" He smiled.

"YOUR A PSYCHOPATH! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU. NOT NOW. NOT IN THE FUTURE. NOT EVEN IN THE AFTERLIFE. AT LEASE I'LL BE WITH MY TRUE LOVE IN THE AFTERLIFE. I HATE YOU JASON! " I yelled. He stayed silent for a while and took out a lighter out of his pocket and smile.

"But I love you. I love you too much to make you live and let someone else have you" he said while dropping the lighter on the ground. As I looked at the flames engulfing me, I heard Nick calling me. My saviour!

"NICK! BABY HELP! " I yelled.

"Leana wake up! " I felt my shoulders shook vigorously.

"Please please please! " I began to sob. Feeling hot kissed on my wet lips I shot up quickly gasping for air.

"Oh my God baby! Please don't do this to me again! " Nick began to sob into my neck.

"What happened? " I'm so confused.

"You were dreaming. I couldn't get you out of it. You keep calling Jason and you were coughing and...... " I kissed him.

"Its ok baby. I'm ok" It was a dream. Scratch that. This was a Nightmare.

I Got You Good Didn't I LOL!

One more chapter lovers!!!!!!!

Read on.

Yes you..


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