Chapter 20/ What the hell are you doing here!?

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Nick POV

Today Selena's mom is supposed to come in from Dubai. Its a surprise obviously but I didn't want Lena to find out just yet. So, we weren't really going to view the building, I scheduled that for next week. Her mom is going to stay the entire week.

Now I don't really know exactly the relationship they both have now because its been a while since I've seen her and I know she would be happy to know Selena and I are gonna get married.

"I still can't come to terms that you asked her to marry you. You are getting married! Mr playboy found his tamer!" He chuckled. Damian has been teasing me about my proposal. He said I was to make it up back to her not married her. But he doesnt understand I really love her. This is it!

"Will you shut up! I did it already and I don't regret a thing" I hissed. I wish I had recorded it.

"I didn't say I wasn't happy or whatever. It's just that it's surprising. You of all people".

"I'm just tired of running around. It's the same thing every time. It gets old"

"Well, I feel you. That's what made me decide too. And I love every minute of it"

"Yea. Im supposed to pick up her mom at the airport today. I'm surprising Selena" I chuckled I know he's gonna flip.

"Really OK. Meeting the mother-in-law so fast?".

"Correction. I already knew her mom. And its been a while. After all she's my mother-in-law"

"Yea your right" he smiled. "You have no idea how proud I am of you. My son is getting married!" Is he serious?

"Will you shut up dork!"


"I'm so sorry Nick! I had to go to the bathroom" Chelsea said.

"Its OK Mrs Daniels I wasn't here for long" I have been here for exactly 1 1/2 but I wasn't going to let her feel bad.

"OK well let's go!" She said excitedly.

Its been an interactive drive with Chelsea. She has been singing and most of all talking about Lena.

"You know when you told me you proposed I literally screamed. I was so happy, I'm so glad its you and not that wimp Jason" she said while rolling her eyes. I'm happy she didn't fancy him.

"Well, I'm happy I even ran into her. She makes me happy" I said while smiling.

"Well, I'm happy too. I knew she loved you for a very long time. Who wouldn't!? Your accent is freaking sexy!" She yelled while throwing her hands in the air.

"Aren't you sweet!" I said while pecking her cheek.

"Aren't you a charmer" she grinned. I love my mother-in-law.


We arrived home by 1:30 and I'm more than happy Selena weren't home. David said she went out with the girls about an hour ago.

"Wow, your home is beautiful Nick. I see youre taking good care of my daughter!" She grinned. She's such a charming lady. She was short and chubby. She had Selena's eyes and hair.

"Thank you, Mrs. Daniels. And I am indeed taking care of her. Shes, my queen!" I smiled.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. Well, I'm hungry what do you have to eat in this big whole house!?" She said while walking to the kitchen. She's just like Selena.


It's now 2 o'clock and Selena isn't home yet. She knows I hate when she's late!

"Where's Selena? I thought she would be home by now" Chelsea slouch on the couch.

"I have no idea but she's out with the girls"

"Well, OK. I think I want to go visit some of my old friends, so I'll see you guys later OK" she said while walking out through the door.

"OK Mrs Daniels I'll give you a call as soon as she arrives" I gave her a big hug and pecked her cheeks.

"Stop charming me young man." She said in a amused voice.

"Its hard not to. Youre a beautiful woman" I knew she loved my compliments. Suddenly I saw the gates opened and I know too well who it was. "Right on time" I said to Chelsea.

"BABY!" She ran to Selena. I can see she was surprised indeed.

"Mom! What the hell are you doing here?" She brought her into a hug.

"I'm here to see my beautiful daughter and to reunite with my son in law" she smirked. "How the hell did you not tell me about him! You know I would prefer him over that fool Jason any day! I don't like him" she said with a scowl.

"Mom hush it!" She scolded her mother "I was just waiting on the right time. Besides you don't even call me again!"

"Baby. You know I'm busy living it up!" She chuckled while Selena glared at her. "I'm joking. I'm sorry OK I know I'm at fault"

"It's OK." She smiled. "And you!" She pointed at me "You told me we were going to look on the building!" She yelled at Me.

"Baby you know I wanted to surprise you. You didn't expect me to tell you" I said in a child-like voice.

"Whatever! Now let's go inside. It looks like its going to rain"


"---- And when she was younger, she placed pictures of you into her room. She practically had a shrine worshiping you!" Chelsea laughed while Selena's face was in shock. I think its really cute.

"Really she was obsessed?" I chuckled when she gave me death glares. "I think its really cute baby!" I pecked her lips.

"Mom please stop embarrassing me!" Her cheeks where so red.

"OK OK I'll go! I have to meet Spencer anyways" who is Spencer.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend Mrs Daniels!"

"There's a lot you don't know yea?" She winked.

"Just go mom! Youre not young anymore!"

"OK OK fine. I'll be here for the week so just call OK" she pecked her cheeks and hugged me. "Take care of my baby girl" she warned.

"Yes mam" I nod, and she went through the door. "What!?" Selena had a cross look on her face and her arms were crossed.

"Why. didn't. you. Tell. Me!" She said whole throwing the cushions on me.

"I'm sorry baby! I just wanted to surprise you!" I chuckled and blocked the cushions. "Youre so violent!"

"Don't act like you don't like it" she said in a seductive voice and stepping closer to me.

"I don't. You shouldn't be abusing me" I said weakly.

"I shouldn't?" She said while running her hands down my chest. "You don't like when I do this?" She grabbed my bulge. Earning a groaned from me. I loved when she did that!

"N-No its abuse" I said while watching her every move.

"Really? You could have fooled me" she unbuckled my pants and dropped them to the floor. "Where the hell is your boxers!" She chuckled.

"I forgot to put them on this morning" I honestly wanted to give her a quicky in the bathroom when her mother was here.

"If you say so. You were planning on giving me a quicky weren't you?" She knows me too well.

"N-No! Don't be absurd! I just forgot" sigh.

"OK. Whatever makes you sleep well at nights" she dropped to her knees and looked up on me.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Dummy.

"Thanking you" she said while rolling her tongue over my head. Fuck I love her mouth!

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