Chapter 16/ Fucked up big time!

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Nick POV

I can't believe I made my jealousy drive me to hurt Lena. I honestly never thought I was. But it was when I saw her tears and the look in her eyes after I unbuckled her, that made me regret all of my actions. I shouldn't have done that. I'm no better than Jason!

The last past week has been hell. She has been avoiding me like I had leprosy! I tried talking to her but when I knock on the door and began to talk to her, she turns up the music louder. It pains my heart to know that I'm the one to blame for her lashing out at me.

At work, its more challenging. The meetings and the deadlines that I must meet with the stakeholders are driving me insane! I have been edgy and snappy with everyone. I can't help it. If Selena isn't speaking to me everything crumbles. The thought alone of her leaving makes me want to cry. She cannot leave me again. This is it! I want her to be Mrs. Brown!

"---- and then we will get more customers to purchase our magazine more. Nick, are you listening?" I just want to be out of this fucking meeting!!

"Yes, Carry on" I have no idea what he just explained. I just want... Her

"OK, so I'll like to have everyone working on this OK" my second in command ordered "Doris send Nick a draft of today's meeting on his desk before the day ends," he told my secretary. "Dude, what the fuck is up with you? I've never seen you so zoned out in a meeting before!" Damian yelled. He's one of my college buddies and my second. I'm lucky to have him.

"Its just.....Its nothing OK" I said while getting up.

"Do sell me that bull shit! I've seen you around the office slouching and moping. Snapping at everyone. What the fuck is going on!?" Sigh.

"Its a girl OK!" I yelled and ran my hand through my hair tugging it roughly.

"A girl? Why the fuck don't I know about her!? What did you do?" He asked while tilting his head. After I gave him the whole... Well, not really whole but the part that I made her cry and I hurt her, you know what he did?

"WHAT THE FUCK DAMIAN!! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SLAPPED ME!?" Yup. He gave me a bitch slap across my face.

"I will do it again! Stop playing dumb! You love the girl obviously. She has been avoiding you because of your mistake. Don't you know when a woman is giving you the cold shoulders the only thing you can do is make it up back to them! Not encourage it to prolong into a freaking week!" He yelled and pushed me backwards. He was like my big brother. He always put me back in line when I'm out of line.

"Fuck Damian! What do you want me to do! Huh? She's not speaking to me!" I yelled I feel so frustrated!

"Then make her listen bro" he said calmly. "Look when Ashley and I are upset, I would take her to a fancy dinner and buy her pretty stuff. It always worked!" He chuckled Ashley is his wife. "I don't think that would be enough for your stupid mistake! So, you need to go all out. Flowers, candles, chocolate gifts! The whole works. Youre trying to get back on her good side, to let her trust you again. If you want help order Doris around. She's a girl" he chuckled.

"Yeah, well ok I would need a lot of help. Thanks, bro" I hugged him.

"Anytime. And I would love to meet this Selena of yours. I like her already" he grinned.

"Yeah yeah. You will if she gives me another shot!" I hope this works.

"She will. Just go all out bro. Anyone who can have you looking like a zombie...She's a keeper" he laughed and went through the door. He's an ass. But he was right. She's my all.

"Doris my office now" I called from the intercom.

"Yes sir?" She said while opening the door.

"I need you to make couple calls to Perch restaurant, Getty Center or Yamashiro Hollywood. Tell them I want the whole top floor to book for the night. Then I want you to have someone decorate it for me. Candles, lights, rose petals the girly shit. Oh, and cham-" she cut me off.

"Sir, I'm a girl. I'll make it happen" she said while smiling "Youre missing one thing" she grinned.

"What's that?"

"Your credit card! This is not coming from my pay!"

"Oh right" I handed her my card. "Listen. I didn't tell you to buy the whole LA. I also need the receipts too" I told her. I know how women are with a credit card.

"Yes, sir I won't go crazy" she grinned and left.

"Oh, Doris!" She turned back.

"Order 3 dozen rose, white roses to my address. And the note should say something nice. Better yet come here I'll give you the draft" I wanted her to know I'm thinking about her and miss her like crazy.

'The fear of rejection was stopping me, but I don't have the time to waste

I'm past cloud 9 when I place my hands around your waist

I know lately things have been kind of crazy

buts there is no denying it girl I want you to be my baby

I want to be the one you talk about when you talk to your friends bout the one you loving

The one you can run to the one you can confide in

I want to be the one to keep you warm when its cold

give you a hand to hold

Someone to depend on when life gets rough

When youre not here pictures and dreams just aren't enough

Sometimes I cant find the words to describe your beauty

and don't disagree, you look pretty damn hot to me

I want to be the one to loosen the cuffs when they are too tight

I'm the one that will have you smiling from the break of dawn till the late night

Cause the truth is if the angel of death came to me tonight to take me off this earth

My last wish would be to see your face first

Cause I know there is no angel that could ever match your beauty and style

Nobody on heaven or earth can come close to that beautiful smile

PS. Get ready tonight by 8. It's a surprise. Wear something elegant

I love you

----- Nick'

As I wrote those words water came to my eyes. They're from the heart.

"Sir?" Doris called. My hands were clenched to the pen I didn't even realise I was zoned out.

"Yes. Here you go, give the florist these exact words OK"

"Yes, sir I will. She would definitely love what youre doing" she smiled and left. I hope she even makes it tonight!


"Stop the nervousness dude. Youre behaving like youre getting married!" Damian scolded. I was a nervous wreck. She hasnt replied to my note or contacted me. Its now 7:30!

"What if she doesn't come? She's going to leave me!" I was hyperventilating and sweating really hard. This never happened to me before!

"Will you shut up! Get a grip of yourself!" He shook my shoulders "She's going to be there you know why?" He placed his hands on my jaw but ensured to slap them first! That fucking hurts! " Its because she loves you. She's hurting as much as you are. Even more, stop worrying." Why couldn't I be like him?

"OK OK, I'll keep calm" I said while fixing my suit. I was in a black tailor fitted suit with a red inside dress shirt.

"Good. Now go get your Queen" he said while pushing me out the door.

While approaching the house I felt like I wanted to call off the whole damn thing! What if she doesn't make it? I rented a limousine for this night because as Damian said I should go all out.

"Well here goes nothing" I breath. "David wish me luck" I told him.

As I knocked on the door, I forgot the roses into the car. As I was about to run back and get them, David handed them to me.

"Here you go sir. Just relax. Things will work out" he smiled.

"Thanks David" I said and went back to take my position. I hope I still have her.

Hey peeps. Poem is By Tommy B. Shout out for her beautiful words!

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