{Shiro x Reader}; Prince Charming

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Character; Takashi Shirogane

AU; Highschool {Play}

0.00001 angst,


{2nd Person POV}

You sat down at the piano bench in the music room, sighing and rubbing your temples with vigor. You were stressed and over-worked, all for a measly, short-bill pay.

" 'Learn every piece in the soundtrack!' she said. 'Accompany every song on every performance night!' she said. 'You'll be paid well!' she said..." You mocked your teacher as pulled your hand in front of your face. Scowling at the measly, crumpled ten dollars you had put weeks of effort into earning didn't make you feel better, but it did make you feel angrier. One would think it would be much more, but you'd be oh, so wrong.

It was a Friday. After school. The performance of the school play, Cinderella, is in two weeks. You were thrilled, no, ecstatic when your theater teacher offered you actual money to learn all of the accompaniment music. Just so she wouldn't have to buy a speaker set. You could finally get the family piano tuned! You could practice at home! (if it was enough!)

Or, so you thought.

How did you not think that if they couldn't afford a sound system, they couldn't afford a decent pianist? Surprise surprise, you didn't. You brain was on a high of adrenaline and pride, so thinking was kind of forgotten.

You sighed, pulling your phone out of your back pocket out of sheer habit, sliding the ten-dollar bill in. Shiro and Allura would be joining you in a few minutes to rehearse with you, and it wouldn't hurt to warm up your wrists. Plus, on sharp notes, you could take out all the anger you'd been bottling up. So that's a plus, I guess.

Shiro and Allura performed excellent auditions,  receiving the two leading roles. Which, as anyone would naturally guess, are Cinderella and Prince Charming.

Allura was drop-dead gorgeous. With dark, well kept skin, radiant pastel-blue eyes and bleached white hair, you'd never guess it to be beautiful, but oh, she found a way. She was a soprano and an experienced dancer, the perfect fit for the role she was given.

Then there was Shiro. He was your Prince Charming, and probably didn't know it. Tall, intelligent, kind, very, very handsome, and very talented in the performing arts department. He was an alto, but could falsetto better than anyone you'd ever heard.

However, they were on the sky-high pedestals of popularity, whilst you were on the ground, playing background music on your sad, untuned family piano.

You pulled out the thick music script you had been given, sitting it in front of you before sitting down on the bench. After cracking your knuckles and rested your fingers on the keys, you played a few scales to warm up.

Your playing went on as Shiro and Allura walked in, and you didn't even notice. You had begun playing the intricate mashup that would take place during their bows, the most difficult of the list. You were pressing away at the ivory instrument, eyes focused on your hands.

As you looked up to turn the page, you felt presence to either side of you. Allura and Shiro were hovering each of your shoulders, watching your every move.

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