{Keith x Reader}; Damsel In Distress

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Character; Keith Kogane

AU; Half Galra!Reader

Warnings/Should Knows;
•You're in the Blade of Marmora


"Nice to have you back, guys." Shiro smiled, giving you a firm handshake after you hopped out of the Marmora cruiser.

"It's nice to be back. Thank you for allowing us to stay here again." You grinned in response, returning the hand gesture as you began to stretch. It was a long, boring ride from the Blade base to the Castle of Lions, and standing up just felt so good on your tight legs.

"Nonsense! The White Lion needs a pilot, and you are both welcome to-"


You were cut off by Keith jumping out of the cruiser, landing directly onto you.

"What the h**l?! Six months of training and you haven't learned how to jump out of a ship without crushing me, nice to see your improvement." You grumbled, pain coursing through you from the feeling of him slamming you into the ground. He groaned and rolled off of you, the rest of team Voltron laughing themselves silly, especially Pidge.

You stood up, slight pink dusting across your cheeks. You were so bad at being in love. Despite having a Yellowstone-National-Park-sized crush on him, you still treated him like an annoying younger brother. It's like some sort of defensive crush-hiding mode came on whenever he did anything remotely touchy.

"Sorry, I was... distracted. Are you okay?" He asked, standing up and extended his hand to you. You took it quickly and he pulled up up onto your feet, allowing you to feel stable ground. The rest of the team looked at you with raised eyebrows and suggestive smirks, and you flustered while Keith looked confused.

"Anyways, we were playing Monsters and Mana before you showed up. Wanna join us? We need a female character to complete our quest." Pidge asked, turning her attitude from suggestive to neutral.

"What's Monsters and Mana?" Keith asked, walking towards the group when they started walking out of the dock, you following. "New training exercise?"

"In a way. You remember when we used to play Dungeons and Dragons together? Well, this is space, and we have 'M and M'." Shiro explained, and you watched Keith's eyes go wide with excitement.

"I played that with my friends once. I was a shadow assassin named Nightshade, super bada**." You explained, and everyone 'oohed' and 'aahed' a bit.

"Can I use my old character?" Keith asked Shiro, a genuine, rare smile growing on his face. The rest of the team watched awkwardly as he beamed, not used to him being so openly excited over... anything.

"Uh, sure? What's he like?" Hunk asked, entering a dimly lit room with a digital forest charted on a table in the corner. Everyone sat on the circular couch surrounding it, picking up orange rectangular devices. Keith didn't answer Hunk, he just smiled, somewhat smirking.

".....Put together your character on the device, and you'll be added to the game! I'll give ya a few dobashes on pause." Coran instructed, giggling as he hovered your shoulder. Keith scooted in next to you, Lance being on your other side. With Coran, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk and Allura seated in order next him.

"Assassin is taken, and so are all of the main character templates!" You complained, scrolling across the screen to find some decent traits to take. Assassin, gone. Dwarf, gone. Archer, gone. Wizard, also gone. Paladin?... whatever it was, it was occupied.

Voltron x Reader; Preferences and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now