{Lance x Reader}; Locker Buddy [Part Two]

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Character; Lance McClain

AU; High-school AU

Warnings/ Should Knows;
•Part two of a request by @moolets
•If you're not a fan of graphically written injuries, I would prob just skip this one


'All other members of The Group were preferred over Lance McClain by everyone but you. But according to society's twisted rules, you still couldn't have what you wanted.

All because you were Y/N L/N.

And you were a 'Loser', as you'd come to learn.'


All you wanted to do was get dressed. That's all you had to do, that's all the other kids had to do, they weren't supposed to do anything else. Yet, a few nothing-better-to-do girls decided that a little lower-class bullying would be a real bright idea, and who would be a better victim than Y/N?

You were minding your own business, in which you were nearly fully occupied. Images of Lance's flirting throughout the day replayed in your mind, only with little hearts floating around and dramatic filters of what could never be. You smiled snappily into the distance, too occupied with your daydreaming to notice two girls walking up to you.

"Y/N, right? You're new?" A girl asked, walking up to you with one of her friends following behind, sharing the same slimy smirk. You nodded, awkwardly blushing since you were still sliding a shirt over your head. The two girls looked at each other, giving a small twitch of a nod before turning back to you. This couldn't be good, not at all.

"So I heard you're friends with Lance, I honestly can't believe it!" The girl farther away from you asked. Her passive-aggressiveness was slightly hidden beneath the sugar she coated on, but you tried to look past her comment.

"Uh, well, he just sort of started talking to me today. And, well when someone talks to me I don't think it's very nice to ignore them." You explained, trying to sound as innocent as possible. It was crystal clear to see that she was going to try and initiate something here, and you wanted that to stop as soon as possible.

These girl's names were Lucinda and Kelli, a pair of very beautiful best friends with a reputation of ruining lives.

"Aren't you a sweetie!" Lucinda chirped through perfectly tinted lips and clenched teeth. "Anyways, we were just wondering if we could borrow some of your perfume. I know you have a whole lot in there, y'know, since you obviously choose not to shower. Or, I'm so sorry, are you too poor to afford water? Your outfit definitely says so." She frowned a faux frown, speaking like a baby and pouting her lip while gesturing to your locker.

You turned to reach in and grab your shoes so you could leave and forget their tyrannic outburst, but Lucinda shut it on your fingers before you could even touch them. You looked at her hand flattened against your locker, your throbbing fingers trapped between the metal, then at her. A shriek of pain escaped your lips, and you ripped your hand out before holding it in your healthy one. Is... is this girl being serious? You felt a small spark of embarrassment go off within you, joining hand-in-hand with the overdose of pain.

Did it really smell like you didn't shower? Were they just lying?

"I-I...uhm," you started, but you couldn't think of anything to retaliate with. The strain of your wrecked fingers caused your mind to fog. How do you even defend yourself after a blow like that, sober or injured? It was so awkward, strange, and yet.. embarrassing.

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