{Preference}; How They Confessed To You

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[Warning; Long]


You were confused about it at first, and needed reassurance that he was saying what he was saying because he didn't know how to go about it.

He sat next to you at dinner, which was odd to everyone because he always sat at the end, opposite from Allura, who was next to you. Lance didn't complain though, because he got to sit in the slightly-bigger chair. He tried at a lot of small talk, to which you obliged and enjoyed, having your own little world of thriving conversation while everyone else talked amongst themselves.

He talked a lot about his love life, actually, and how negatively different his exes were from you. As in, he fed you so many compliments that you were too full for dessert.

Again, Shiro doesn't really know how to go about relationship talk because others had always made the move on him. He's very approachable, but he knew that you were too shy to confess to him if you were even interested. So, with a heart full of hope and a prayer, he decided to tell you how he felt and try his best because god da——, he loves you so much.

You weren't bothered by it, just very confused as to why that would come up in a conversation. After dinner, he pulled you aside, and held your hands tightly as he led you into the hallway.

During the talk he told you about how he wanted you to always be safe and he feels that it is his duty to protect you. He had the most sincere look in his eyes, but you were getting a big-brotherly vibe that he definitely didn't want to give off.

You didn't really understand what was going on at first, so you said "Thanks?..." to which he became confused as well, because you weren't understanding to his obvious confession. The two of you slowly- and awkwardly- conversed about what he meant until he came right out and said it;

"Well, I love you y/n. I-I've never done this before, and I'm sorry I wasn't clear, but I love you to Kerberos and back."



Heaven help the boy he doesn't know how to do this.

No one made him feel like you made him feel, and he wanted to let you know what that beautiful feeling was.

After a two-hour late night discussion with Shiro, they came to a conclusion: he was going to confess you by sharing with you his secret hobby; art.

It took him a while to get the things he needed and to finish the project itself, but he was proud of the outcome nonetheless. He drew your portrait in thick, goopy slime that the merchant called "Kristehl" that came in a very small array of colors, but it was beautiful. You were bearing the day-brightening smile that he loved, your h/c hair was bouncing lightly against your head, and your eyes were as bright and happy as they were when he caught himself staring into them.

That night after dinner, he stuck it to your door and ran to his room, which was conveniently next to yours. When you came to your room later, he was looking at the live security camera footage Pidge had installed in everyone's phones. (For safety reasons, ever since the Galra snuck a bombed drone onto the ship unnoticed). You pulled the artwork off, studied it, hugged it, then walked inside.

Instantly struggling to switch between the cameras, he heard a knock at the door. He opened it quickly, ready to tell Lance to buzz off, but he didn't expect to see who he saw.

You. You were standing nervously before him.

"Did you make this?" You asked quietly, and all he could to was nod and panic.

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