{Preference}; They Try to Impress You With...

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More than once, he has put the other Paladins down for being "childish", all for the sake of making himself seem preferable. He thinks it over later and mentally curses himself for ridiculing the team- especially for being themselves. He also remembers that you're his girlfriend already and that his attempts were in sleep-deprived vain. As he looks at the sleeping y/n next to him, he smiles fondly and goes back to sleep. {He's too tired for this help him}. He does, however, dream happily and think about how lucky he is to call you his.

-"Guys, you know better than that."
-"??We all had a food fight on the second day here??"

-"We're too old for that." He states, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and acting smoother than a fresh tub of butter.

-"They're just gonna be the reckless teens they are, huh, y/n?"



Showing Off
You don't train as often as the others, but you watch a whole lot. Keith is very attention-deprived, so he's a hoarder for your gaze and priority. This being the case, he will perform past his- and the whole team's- very best and achieve record-setting victories to keep your attention on him, and only him. He teases you about staring at him later for the sake of you blushing and telling him off, but you know it's all in good fun and because he loves you to death and back.

-Screeches like a banshee when striking/struck to redirect your gaze back to him.

-"You're doing great, Keith!!"
-He smiles brighter than the afternoon sun when you cheer him on.

-Can and will destroy other Paladin's opponents during training and battle, slaughtering them so you will see him as "hardcore".
-{Meanwhile, he's getting left behind because the battle-less Paladins are moving on-}


Random One-Ups
Oh no, no no. He will be the best at everything, AND you'll see him every time he proves it! Hunk will be talking with you while he casually wipes the kitchen counter, and he'll burst in with a mop, rags and cleaner. After cleaning the whole thing, top-to-bottom in record time, you awkwardly applaud the both of them for their hard work, him enjoying it the most.

-More examples are him trying to act unattainably serious around Shiro and overly intelligent around Pidge, but it makes you giggle and fidget when he stutters or winks at you mid-discussion.

-"y/n, watch this!"™️

-Directs the conversation topic- literally the millisecond as Allura starts talking- onto you and your greatness, and brags about how you're his. It kills him to see you blush and thank him awkwardly.



Being a hilarious nuisance
She wouldn't call them pranks, she thinks the name "y/n Magnets" is more appropriate. It makes her seem more entertaining and better to hang around. You know what she's doing is going to get you in trouble, but you can't help but watch. For example, one time she locked Lance and Hunk in the kitchen together and showed you the camera feed. The male duo ended up joining together and starting a food ritual to sacrifice your girlfriend before she opened the doors worriedly. The three Paladins then all simultaneously tattled on one-another to Shiro as you laughed and watched.

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