Phone Calls

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     Anthony Kiedis cursed under his breath. Instead of being awoken by the one he loved the most this morning, he was woken by a police officer yelling in his face. After finding out the entire party had been arrested except for him and his fellow band mates, he was lost. He made his way down the stairs of his house to a hung over Chad holding his head on the couch. Flea was passed out on the floor before he eventually stirred and sat up mumbling "Where the hell did everybody go."

"They were taken to the slammer." John smirked while eating the eggs he had made himself for breakfast.

"Well shit." Flea and Chad said in unison. Anthony ran his fingers through his hair and snapped "Yeah. Now I have to pay everybody's bail. Candy, and Kate got arrested too. Candy's gonna kill me." The three other band mates laughed at Anthony.

"She's gonna give you the silent treatment!" Chad laughed.

"Here's where it gets better. Kate and Candy's bail are more expensive because they jumped off my balcony into the pool last night and flipped the cops off. Then the cop proceeded to me how they stripped of there clothes and bolted down the street in there lingerie."
Anthony began to laugh after explaining the entire situation to the band. Flea was crying along with Chad. John was choking on his burnt toast.

"I think she's a keeper, Anthony." Flea laughed and continued, "I'm glad Kate came to the party last night. She looked good."

"Yeah. Kate's great. She was having the time of her life last night. Did you meet Kate, John?" Chad asked while turning to John .

"No, I didn't meet her. I don't know what she looks like. Maybe I did, but I can't remember." He sighed, before making his way to the kitchen to clean his plate off. As he washed his dish the phone rang. Picking up the phone with soapy hands he asked, "What do you want."

"Anthony I swear to god! Kate and I are in jail! What the hell is wrong with you! You better get us out of here or I'm gonna-" Candy growled into the phone before he interrupted,
"This isn't Anthony."

"Who is it then?"


"Jack, who?"

"Jack Enoff." John hysterically laughed at the dirty name he had managed to come up with. He heard Candy let out a frustrated sigh.  Suddenly another voice softly spoke from the other side of the phone,

"Hello? This is Kate...Is this Chad or Flea?"

"No it's John. I didn't get to meet you last night. How are you?"

"Not good. I'm in jail. Can you please put Anthony on the phone? I only have two minutes left."

"Are you still in your lingerie or did they give you clothes?"

"I'm still in my lingerie. John. Please put Anthony on."

"Did anyone make you there bitch yet in jail? I heard this one guy in prison traded another guy for a snickers bar."

"I'm in a cell at the sheriffs department. You really need to put Anthony on now. I only have a minute left."

"Okay, okay! Promise me you'll tell me all about jail if Anthony bails you out!"

"If? He better! Fine! I promise! Please put Anthony on, quick!"

John screeched for Anthony and patiently waited. He handed him the phone and began to heard Candy's voice scream at him. Anthony hushed through the phone, trying to assure the two girls he was gonna bail them out. "I promise I'll get you two out!" He yelled before slamming the phone back onto the hook, sighing.
John swung his feet back and forth, breaking the silence by asking "Are you gonna go bail them out?"
"Yeah. I'm just gonna give it an hour. I'll let Candy cool down." Anthony smirked at John.

A couple band rehearsals later Anthony clapped his hands together before shouting "Let's go bail the girls out!" John sat there deep in thought while trying to figure out what Kate looked like by the sound of her voice. Maybe brunette, short, eh maybe not that short because Candy's short and Candy has an attitude, he thought to himself. Shrugging, reaching for his sneakers.

"Oh boy, here we go." Anthony sighed while pulling into the parking lot of the sheriffs department. He turned the car off and unbuckled his seatbelt making Chad whistle and slam his hands onto Anthony's shoulders before shouting, "Go get'em tiger!" He rolled his eyes before making his way into the building.

After being ignored by the secretary at the desk for ten minutes she finally looked up snapping, "You here to pay the bill for those two chicks in lingerie?"

"Yes, ma'am." Anthony smiled.

"It's about time you showed up. Your girlfriend has been causing a riot in that damn cell. The other one has just been sitting there staring at the wall."

"Just tell me who I make this check out to, please."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now