Long talks, and Forgotten Funerals

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"So? How'd the test go?!" John exclaimed while walking next to Kate.

"Eh. I don't know. I seemed like I knew everything? Maybe I'm just second guessing myself."

"I think you are. I'm sure you got an A. Your a smarty pants. Let's go celebrate."

"I don't know...I don't feel like going out tonight, John. I'm tired."

"I get it. We can have a party of our own at home." John smirked while pressing Kate against her car.

"Oh really? Who said I wanted to party?" She teased back as he pressed his forehead against hers. Lightly kissing her he whispered, "Your dad won't be home, right?"

"Yeah. He usually works late. We should be fine."

"Good. Because I have some special party plans."

"And what would that be?"

"You, Me. The bedroom." She chuckled as he began to bite her collar bone. There fun was interrupted by the honking of a car horn. The couple blushed and quickly pulled away from each other in embarrassment.

"So. Are you excited to become a nurse?" John asked as they entered the quiet house.

"Yeah. It sounds fun."

"Cool. So when I'm sick will you take care of me?"

"Hmmmm. No." Kate giggled while wrapping her arms around Johns neck as he whined,
"Kate. That hurt my feelings."


"Ha! Come here!" John teased while chasing her around the house. Tackling her onto the coach Kate giggled, "John! Stop!" Smirking he continued to tickle her and laughed at her giggling. Pulling away she breathed out as he pressed his forehead against hers.

"John..." Kate whispered while bringing her hand up to his face.


"I love you." John began to blush while looking down at her. The words I love you rang throughout his head. Sure they loved each other, but hearing her say it brought a blush to his face every single time. "I love you." John whispered back while kissing her lips.

The kiss immediately became more and more heated. His hands made his way up to her waist as she ran her fingers through his hair over and over again. "Kate...I...want...you...right now." John whispered as she nodded, "Me too." The two quickly took there shirts off and started to escalate when a loud pounding came from the front door followed by sobbing.

"Oh shit." John mumbled confused while helping Kate put her shirt back on. "Who is it?" She whispered. "I don't know. Hold on." He mumbled while making his way to the front door. Quickly opening the door he frowned, "Peter?!"

"Dad?!" Kate gasped while running to the door to see him sobbing before continuing, "What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"They want to take the house away from me. It's the only thing I have left of your mother." Her father cried while hugging Kate.
"Don't worry. John and I will figure it out. We'll take care of it. Ok? Don't worry. C'mon let's get you inside to bed." Kate calmly said while escorting her father to his bedroom.

"Get some rest, Dad." She whispered while closing his bedroom door. Turning around she came face to face with John who frowned, "Hey...Is Peter ok?"

"Yeah. He's fine. There's a lot of pressure and stress going through his mind at the moment."

"I understand. Are you ok? Without your mom?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. We never really spoke. By the way next time you don't want to make it seem like we were caught in the act I suggest you put your shirt on next time." Kate laughed while noticing John had only pants on.

"Oh shit. Did it really look like?"


"Damn. I mean. We mine as well finish what we started don't you think so?"

"Hmm....Nope. You wanna go outside?"

"It's nighttime."


"So?! Kate there could be anybody out there. Monster, murderer, it's too dangerous. You should just stay here. In my arms..." John smirked while trying to pull Kate into his lap.

"Your ridiculous. C'mon. I'll protect you if there's anything outside." She laughed while dragging him along with her into the dark backyard. "Kate....I don't like this." He mumbled while holding her hand and noticing how dark it was outside. There were so many trees, surrounding the yard. Feeling as if they went out for miles, and miles. Sitting down in the grass the two sat in silence looking up at the stars.

"Kate...Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" She mumbled while placing her head onto his shoulder.

"Was I...Your first..you know."

"What? I'm so confused."

"Don't make me say it?"

"Say what?"

"Was I the first person you ever had sex with?"

"Ew, John. Why would you ask that?!"

"I don't know! I was curious."

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because you should?"

"Was I your first?"

"I'm not telling you!"

"Exactly! So why would I tell you?"

"Ok. I understand. How about on the count of three we yell yes or no. Yes means it was our first time. No means we weren't. Ok?"

"This is stupid."

"Love you too. Ready? One...Two..."


"No." John said while looking up at Kate who slowly said, "Yes."

"Aw, Kate! Come here!"

"N-No!" She blushed while standing up and running towards the house. Sighing, John stood up and chased after the embarrassed girl. Tackling her onto the grass, he quickly pinned her hands above her hand and stared down at her smiling.

"Come here." He mumbled while leaning down to kiss her lips. Immediately frowning, he watched her turn her face away. Refusing to kiss him. "Do you mean last year when I asked you to be my girlfriend, was the first time ever for you?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, John? I don't know why your making a big deal out of it."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was necessary? Geez. You act weird sometimes."

"How is it weird!"

"I could name so many reasons why!"

"Go! Name the reasons!"

"Uhh...well to start off...uh.." Kate mumbled trying to think of reasons before sighing,
"I can't explain it-" the conversation was interrupted by Kate's father opening the slide door asking, "Kate? A message was left on the phone. Kurt called...He sounded upset. Saying you and John missed River's funeral?"

"Oh Fuck." The couple mumbled at the same time before looking at each other.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now