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Days went by. Weeks. Months. Kate had been working for the band at her new home, Candy's apartment. All she had to do was design hotel rooms the band would have to stay in. Recovering from the breakup was rough. She hadn't spoken to John in months. He hasn't spoken to her. She stopped going to there daily gigs, due to the fact she couldn't bare to see him. She was trying to recover from the pain she, and he had caused. She was guilty too. It was hard. Very hard. Some days Kate would sit in bed all day wondering if the rest of her life was going to be like this. Was she depressed? Yes. Candy was worried. Anthony was worried. They wanted there shy, but happy best friend back.

Coming back from her fathers house, Kate raised a brow noticing her belongings were in two bags that were being tossed into the back of Anthony's van along with, there own belongings. "What's going on?" She asked walking towards the couple who were smiling from ear to ear. "Well the bands going on tour! And the contract says the interior decorator needs to come along. To make sure everything's correct. So I decided I'd let Candy tag along with you too!" Anthony smiled as Candy giggled beside him. Kate gritted her teeth while thinking, This is bad. Very bad. I can't see John. I still haven't recovered from the breakup. I'll burst into tears just looking at him. Or I'll slap him. It could go both ways. He wouldn't apologize. He's a prick. He'll probably give me the middle finger when he sees me. This is bad. Why does the worst always happen to me? Why do I always have to suffer? What did I do wrong?

"I don't know if I can go..."She sighed rubbing the back of her head. Anthony rolled his eyes and grabbed her shoulders saying, "C'mon, Kate! Your fine! It's been a couple months! Your no longer with John! The dramas over! You don't have to talk to him! Just make peace! Hm? Your good. I'm sure you'll be fine. Please, please, please come on tour! Pretty please with a cherry on top!" When he was left with no answer Candy bounced up and down exclaiming, "Please, Kate! It'll be so much fun! Just you and me! Traveling the world together!" Just you and me? You'll be sucking Anthony's face off the entire time, Kate thought to herself before groaning,
"Fine! Don't make me regret me decision!"

"Damn, why are tour busses so small!" Candy groaned throwing her luggage in the bottom bunk, leaving Kate with the one above hers. Bunk beds? Geez. My back will be broken by the end of the week, she thought to herself as she began putting her luggage into the compartment above the bunks. As she struggled to lift the suitcase a hand beat her too it. Turning she exclaimed, "Chad! I missed you!" Chad smiled hugging her while replying, "I missed you too, cutie! How have you been?"

"Ok...I'm doing ok. What about you?"

"Good. I'm good. You excited to tour across the country?!"

"Yeah...kinda. I'm a little nervous I'll get homesick."

"Hey! We all do! You learn to outgrow it! Trust me, you'll love tour!" Smiling Kate nodded and gasped as she was tackled by Flea who exclaimed, "It's Katie-pie! I missed you! It's been so long! You look different!"

"Hey Flea! I missed you too." She replies before he continued,

"Clara said she misses your bedtime stories!"

"Aw! How is she?!"

"Good! She likes to draw pictures! It's adorable!"

"That's great Flea."

"Thanks. How is interior designing?"

"It's surprisingly relaxing? I was nervous at first but I really enjoy it."

"That's good. Better than the pharmacy?"

"Yes. Way better." She laughed brushing her hair out of her face. Leaving her to unpack she was sitting down in Candy's bunk when she saw someone place a suitcase in the bed across from Candy. Looking up she made eye contact with John. Did he look different? No. The awkward stare lasted for a couple seconds when she averted her eyes and continued flipping through the magazine. This is uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable, she thought to herself before quickly standing up and shuffling past him. Sitting down next to Candy she squeezed her best friends hand hoping she would understand. The blonde nodded her head at her. She knew what was up. Candy could read Kate like the back of her own palm.

"Hey Candy." John smiled nodding his head at Candy, ignoring Kate before putting food in the cabinets. "Oh. Hey, John." She smiled back before squeezing Kate's thigh thinking, talk to him. Kate squeezed Candy's thigh even harder thinking, she's crazy if she thinks I'm gonna talk to this prick. He's ignoring me. He obviously doesn't want to talk to me. John probably wishes I drop dead right here. I wonder if he has a girlfriend- that's not the point! He hurt your feelings! Why do you care what he does! Exactly! You shouldn't! Why am I talking to myself? Am I going crazy? Geez. I really am going crazy. I'm fighting with myself.

"Here we go!" Flea screamed as the tour bus pulled out of the parking lot. The band was screaming, and doing there "rituals". Kate sat in her bunk trying to sleep. It was late. Very late. She was so tired. So much had happened. Half of the stress she had was caused by John. It had been so long. It wasn't like there last breakup. It was for real this time. It was heartbreaking, but it was life. Why did I come on tour again? Kate thought to herself as she pressed the pillow against her ears hoping to drown out the loud ruckus.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now