Only You

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Shit, where the fuck am I? Kate thought while sitting up. Looking around at the greasy, or filthy couch she was sitting on she frowned. She was confused thinking, Come on, Kate. Remember. What happened.....What happened. Looking around she saw Kurt slumped over onto the couch. Seeing the needle in his arm she gasped as everything began flooding back as she thought, Shit. I came here with Kurt, and River. I called John. Shit. John? Where's John? Oh, that's right. The phone cut off. River...This is Rivers apartment.

She groaned while standing up. Her body felt sore. Everything felt sore. She felt like shit. One specific part of her body hurt. Her left arm. Looking down she saw the small needle puncture. "Shit...." she cried out loud. She knew it was her fault. She said yes. Crying, she slumped over and began breathing in, out. Hoping this was all a Dream. Sadly it wasn't. All she thought of was John. The way he looked like a skeleton. The way he acted. She didn't want to turn into him. Leaving her shoes, she she quickly unlocked the door and left. A part of her knew Kurt was a drug addict. But she didn't want to admit it. She liked him. She liked him so much, she did drugs with him. Her body was aching for more heroin. But she couldn't. She wouldn't let herself turn into an addict. Even if it killed her.

Her head was pounding. She could barely walk. But she had to get out of this neighborhood. And make it back to the hotel. She needed Candy. To comfort her. To tell her she screwed up. To tell her she shouldn't have gone back to Rivers. She needed Anthony. To tell her she fucked up. She needed Chad to tell her she just threw her life away. She needed Flea to shake his head in a disapproving manner. She needed John. John needed to tell her how much she messed up. How much heroin ruined his life. Hoping he would ask the question do you want to end up like me? She needed the band. She was lost. Very lost.

"Kate!" Someone yelled while placing there hands onto her shoulders. Turning around she stared at John. "How did you find me?" She cried while hugging him. "I have my ways. You have no idea how many taxis I've been in tonight." She lightly chuckled while running her fingers through his hair. Pulling away he asked, "Are you ok? Did he make you do anything?" Grabbing her arms he ran his fingers across her forearms. Reaching her left hand he quickly let go when he saw the needle puncture and began crying,

"Fuck, Kate. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. It's my fault. I should've gotten here sooner. I'm gonna  kill both of them." Taking off he yelled, "Where are they! I'm going to the apartment! Tell me where it is! I'll make them regret hurting a girl like you."

"John! Stop!" She cried grabbing the back of his shirt before crying even harder, "It was my fault. I said yes."

"You, you said yes?" He cried while turning around before crying even harder, "Kate why would you say yes?"

"I don't know. I was drunk and I forgot that I had even called you. I figured if Kurt, and River were doing it, then it was fine. But I was wrong. My fucking stupid drunk mind was wrong."

"Kate.....Why do you think I did heroin? Bill started doing it first. He convinced me to do it because he felt if his friends were doing it, then he wasn't doing anything wrong. But I was wrong. He was wrong. We all were wrong. How much did you do?"

"Just one needle."

"I'm taking you to the hospital. Everything's gonna be fine. They'll fix you. I promise. Everything's gonna be ok."

"John, they won't do anything! You know they won't do anything! It was only one needle. It's not like I overdosed."

"Please, Kate! Just go to the hospital...They might be able to do something. Please. Please." He got down on his knees while crying and began hugging her waist. He hated himself at the moment. He felt like it was his fault. She knew it wasn't his fault. But she could understand why he was upset.

"John...There's nothing they can do. I'm sorry. I can't go. They won't do anything." She cried while getting on her knees and hugging him before sobbing, "I just need you to help me. I don't want to become an addict. You gotta help me? Okay? Please. Please, John. I'm begging you."

" I would never hesitate to help you, Kate? Why would you think that? Fuck, have I really been an asshole this whole time?"

"No, John. Stop you haven't. Have I?"

"No. I've just been so scared to talk to you again."


"Because I knew I would fall for you again." He said while kissing her. She kissed back. Everything felt right. But she couldn't. Pushing away she cried, "John. I can't, you know I can't. You have Toni. She's so nice."

"Your right Toni is nice. And caring, funny, beautiful, and sensible." He mumbled while standing up. Kate stood up and nodded, "Your right."

"But none of that comes in comparison to you, Kate. Your great. No one compares to you. God, your so beautiful. Just like your personality. Fuck, Kate. I want you back. Please. I want you to be mine again. Forever and always. Please." John cried while grabbing her hands.

"I...I don't know." She cried while holding his hands.

"I'll take care of you. I'll make everything right. I'll rebuild my world for you. I want to put you before myself. I want to have a life with you. I want to start over. I want to fall back in love with you over and over again. I won't make you regret it. Please?"

"Yes. I do too. I love you, John Frusciante." She cried while pulling him towards her, and pressing her lips against his.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now