Alone Time

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The pharmacy was freezing. Kate could see her breath every time she spoke. Rushing around the small room in circles made her dizzy. Handing pills to the old woman on the other side of the counter she argued, "This doesn't look like twenty pills! This looks like fifteen!" Kate smiled taking the pill container back and recounted all the pills replying, "Nope! All twenty pills are there ma'm." Hearing the woman start to argue with her again she walked up to the telephone at the drive thru and began asking for the drivers last and first name. She felt like a chicken without a head, running around in no certain direction.

She sighed walking out of the pharmacy with her puffy winter jacket zipped all the way up. I think it was colder in the pharmacy, she laughed to herself pulling her hat over her head. She tied her scarf and began walking slowly down the icy sidewalk. Her car was getting repairs done, so now she was like John having to walk everywhere. She never understood why he never wanted a drivers license. "I'm clumsy." He would always tell her. To her driving a car was easy. Almost everybody drove a car. But he was clumsy. Things had been going good with John. Months had quickly passed by and they enjoyed being a couple. Walking into the apartment complex she stepped on a fresh sheet of ice and froze. All around her was ice. Way to go idiot, she thought to herself while trying to watch extremely slow. Her sneakers let out a loud squeak as her leg gave out. Falling backwards she hit the ice with a loud slam. Groaning she maneuvered herself off the ice and managed to steady herself walking up the stairs. Fumbling with her keys she pushed the old grey door open to the dark apartment. Hanging her jacket, scarf, and hat on the coat hanger she rubbed her hands walking in to John playing his guitar on the couch. "It's dark in here!" She laughed turning some lights on sitting down next to him. Holding the back of her head she laughed "I slipped on ice." John stopped playing and said "Again? We need to get you cleats." He kissed her forehead, and softly rubbed the back of her head.

She noticed he had a button up on along with pants. John usually never dresses warm in cold weather, she laughed to herself as she played with the strings of the guitar. Standing up shivering she walked over to the thermostat complaining, "It says it's eighty degrees in here! How come I'm freezing!" She pressed the up button frantically on the thermostat. "It's thirty-five degrees outside." She mumbled feeling Johns hands circle around her waist. She turned around to him softly chuckling, "I'll help you keep warm." She raised a brow looking up at him as he unbuttoned his shirt smirking at her. 

Shivering Kate sat up in the bed noticing John wasn't there. She reached for her bra and clipped it back on while sliding her underwear on. She reached for her silk robe underneath the old bed and tied it in a perfect knot, hearing things being dragged. She pushed the bedroom door open and leaned against the door frame watching John pack his things. "John? What are you doing?" She asked startling him. He ran his fingers through his hair and avoided eye contact with her saying,
"I need some alone time. I'm gonna go move in with my friend Bill. It's not you. It's just I got a lot on my plate right now and I need some time to myself." She froze looking at the floor. What the hell. He just used me, she thought to herself. She stuttered, "Oh, uh. I-I. I don't know what to say." He walked up to her holding her face and kissed her passionately. She slowly pulled away and looked at the ground. "I still love you. It's only for a little bit. Once I get everything off my plate, I'll be back."

"What's the problem?" She asked fumbling with her hands while looking up at him. He sighed looking up and softly said "I wish I could tell you." There was a loud car honk from outside and he smiled, "That's me. I'll see you around?" She nodded and he grabbed his things leaving. The door softly closed and she felt lost. Everything had happened so fast. A million things were flashing through her head at once. What did I do wrong? Did he break up with me? Did he just use me? Was he even planning on waking me up if I still was asleep? Did he and Bill have this plan all along? Did he cheat on me? Does he think I cheated on him? Is John doing drugs again? She let out a loud frustrated sigh holding her head. The apartment was practically empty. She tore the photos of them off the wall and placed them in a neat pile on her desk. She didn't know who to talk to. She thought about it for a while and shakily fumbled with the phone hoping the person would answer.

"Hey...Thanks for coming." Kate softy smiled letting Flea into the apartment.

"He just left?" Flea asked annoyed looking around at the empty apartment.

"Yeah. I feel used. He just did me and left. He said he had a lot on his plate and was going to spend time with Bill."

"Bills his best friend-"

"I know. He showed up at the pharmacy when you guys were on tour."

"What did he want?"

"I really don't know. He basically said 'John really likes you' and left."

"Hm. That's weird. Did John tell you about what happened on tour?"

"That he was shooting up?"

"Yeah." It got silent in the apartment as he noticed how quiet her voice got. Taking her hand he squeezed it assuringly and smiled, "I'll try to get the band and I to go talk to him. We just gotta give it some time. In a couple days I'll go."

"R-Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah. C'mon your family." He opened his arms and she hugged him. He didn't have the guts to tell her John was probably shooting up again. Making his way out of the apartment, he reached Anthony's house. Chad was drinking a beer while Candy sat in Anthony's lap reading a magazine.

"Hey! Where were you?" Anthony smiled.

"Kate's apartment..."Flea sighed looking at all of them before continuing, "He left her."

"He did what?!" Candy snapped standing up. Chad asked, "Where'd he go?" Flea continued, "He went with Bill. He told her he needed some time to himself. Packed everything. The whole apartment is practically empty."

"I'm gonna-" Candy growled walking towards the door. Anthony grabbed her hand and asked Flea, "Are we gonna go talk to him."

"In a couple days. I figured we'd give it some time." Anthony nodded agreeing with Flea when Candy turned to Flea quickly asking, "Please don't tell me there was a bathtub in the apartment?" Flea nodded and she let out a sigh hugging Anthony saying, "Now I know for sure she's sitting in the tub right now." How could you do this John? Anthony thought, opening the car door for his girlfriend.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now