Drunken Feelings

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"What the hell is wrong with you?!" John snapped at the smirking, one-night stand Kate while watching his girlfriend run away. Laughing she replied, "Sorry for ruining your relationship. But your about to ruin my life if you don't pay for my abortion."

"I don't have money. I'm in rehab how am I supposed to even get money?"

"Find a way. Here's my address. The doctor said I need the money by the end of this month."

"You flew down here just to ruin my life?"

"Yep. I knew you would like that. Later sweetie, I gotta flight to catch." Making her way out the doors his hands clenched into fists. Stomping back to his room he kicked the chair in his way making a giant scene. Jumping onto his bed, he began crying into the pillow. Damn I really fucked up. I lost her. She'll never forgive me. What the hell is wrong with me? He thought to himself while sniffling. Reaching for the phone he dialed her house phone and waited patiently. Five times he called. Five times he left a voicemail. The last voice mail he croaked into the phone, "Please answer."

"I usually like to get drunk before I shoot up." Bill said walking over to the broken cabinets of his crappy apartment pulling out a bottle of whiskey. Sitting on the couch with her legs crossed,  her hands shook as she thought to herself, what the hell am I doing. Her thoughts were interrupted as Bill came back with several shots of whiskey and neatly placed them on the table. "C'mon don't get scared now." He smirked downing the shot before saying, "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are just a good girl." Quickly grabbing the shot she flung it back to her throat feeling it burn. The two continued downing the shots like there was no tomorrow.

"Holy shit. We went through the whole bottle." Bill laughed placing his hand on her thigh. She laughed as he giggled standing up, "I'll go get the needle and powder." Fuck. Kate leave, her drunken mind thought to herself. Standing up she slumped towards her bag and grabbed it walking towards the door. "Hey! Where are you going? We just got to the good stuff." Bill slurred placing the syringe on the table. "I changed my mind dumbass." She slurred back trying to open the unlocked the door. Making her way outside he followed her grabbing her by the waist and snapped, "You bitch. You wasted my whiskey. Now you have to pay me back with your body." Screaming she drunkenly tried pushing him back when someone pushed him off of her.

Falling to the ground she scraped her head on the concrete cursing out loud. Watching the hooded person punch Bill in the face and yell, "What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't take advantage of a girl like that!" Shoving Bill's passed out body into his apartment, the hooded person slammed the door shut before turning to her. Leaning down a warm hand ran across her face. The person took there hood off and said, "Kate? Why were you gonna shoot up?" Staring up at Dave who's hand was still on her face she slurred, "John cheated on me."  Sighing he looked around and flung her body over his shoulder while making his way to his car.

"Wait...What were you doing here, Dave?" She slurred. Frowning he mumbled, "I was gonna try it too. I guess it was a good thing you were here." Placing her into the passengers seat of his car, he slowly closed the car sighing to himself. "Don't call Candy. Please. She'll beat me." Kate slurred looking at him. He laughed putting his hands up in surrender and said, "Trust me. I won't." The rest of the car ride was silent. Pulling into her apartment complex he saw Candy's car and frowned looking at her. She turned to him and pleaded, "Can I stay the night at your place?" Nodding he did a U turn and made his way back to his apartment.

"C'mon." He sighed, lugging the girl up the stairs of his apartment. Fumbling with keys he was able to shove the door open while still holding her. "You have a clean apartment, Dave." She sighed leaning against the wall while looking around the small apartment. The apartment was clean. A small leather couch was in the living room along with a small tv. Looking at the vinyls he had lying around she yawned running her fingers through her hair. "I'll sleep on the couch. Here are some clothes." He mumbled handing her a sweatshirt and shorts. Nodding she walked towards his room and mumbled, "Thanks, Dave." Nodding his head he watched her close the door and thought to himself, shit. I forgot to clean the gash on her forehead. Waiting for her to get dressed he later entered the room with a warm towel and ice cubes. Lightly dabbing her head he stared down at the sleeping girl shaking his head, What was she thinking?

"Dave..." Kate whispered with her lips slightly apart. "Hm?" He asked looking down at her. Placing her hands on the sides of his face she slowly pulled his head down lightly kissing his lips. Breaking away Dave sighed, "Kate. C'mon. You don't mean it."

"My life's shit, Dave. I keep making mistakes. John cheated on me on tour. The bitch showed up at rehab today justifying she was pregnant. He'd been hiding it from me this whole time. To believe I actually felt sorry for him. It makes me wonder if he even loved me in the first place. God I'm such a fuck up-" Interrupting her he slammed his lips onto hers while running his fingers through her hair. Kissing back she ran her fingers up and down his back. Pulling away from the long kiss the two panted heavy before staring at each other. Quickly taking there clothes off the two stared at each other while Dave placed a hand on her thigh stuttering, "Kate. A-Are you sure?" Kissing him hard on the lips she gasped, "Yes."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now