I'm Not Drunk ;)

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"Hey, Toni? It's John." John sighed while running his fingers through his hair. Looking down at Kate who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, he knew this breakup had to be done. He loved Kate. He liked Toni, but not in a loving relationship way. This entire time John thought he would be able to start a life with someone else. But he couldn't. Kate was his. He could never let go of Kate. Not after what had just happened. He let her go. She got hurt. He promised himself he would be there catch her if she decided fall. He felt as if his life was crumbling before his very own eyes. But now that he had her, nothing else mattered.

"Hey, John. I was meaning to call you....I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"I...I don't think we're meant for each other. Since I've had these couple weeks to myself I've begun to realize I like you as a friend, if that makes sense? Your a musician, I like to draw. We're two different types of artists. That's not the problem. I just don't feel connected....Do you get what I'm saying?"

"I think....That's what I wanted to call you about. I think I found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I was in a relationship with them before, and.....And....I don't know why I let go."

"I don't know why you let go of Kate either. Make it right. Be there for her. Protect her. Keep her safe. Don't fuck it up. Okay? She's a great girl."

"H-How.....How did you know it was Kate?"

"The way you look at her, John. I still saw the lust, and need in your eyes. Not that it was a bad thing. Just don't fuck it up. Love her."

"Ok...Thanks, Toni. I can still call you a friend right?"

"Of course! I'm here...Just give me a call sometime, okay?"

"Alright...Bye." After he ended the call with Toni, John sighed in relief. That was easier than I expected, he thought while rubbing his temples. Pulling the sleeping Kate closer to him, he kissed her forehead as he watched her stir. "Morning, sleepyhead." John whispered while watching her yawn and stretch, "What time is it?"

"Seven in the morning."

"That's probably why I'm still so tired. I only got five hours of sleep."

"Go back to sleep then. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you."

"You don't have to sit here and babysit me."

"But I want to. It's my room."

"I know....It's just I feel bad."

"Why do you feel bad..."

"All the trouble I've caused. I've probably given you a heart attack."

"Your not trouble. Every day with you is a good day. I want you to know that."

"Sure, lover boy. I'm gonna get some rest." She yawned while rolling underneath the sheets of the hotel bed. A couple minutes later, a light knock on the door startled John. Slowly getting up without trying to disturb Kate from sleeping, he made his way to the front door while pulling his sweatpants up.

"Hey, Kurt..." John sighed while leaning against the door. Kurt looked like a mess. His eyes were blood shot red. He was shaking. His hair was scattered all over the place. He looked worried. Clearing his throat he stuttered,

"I-I'm nervous. Have you seen Kate? She went missing last night, and-"

"Yeah. She's here, man."

"Oh....Is she alright? Can I talk to her....I made some bad decisions last night."

"She's sleeping right now."

"Oh....How did you find her? Did she come to you?"

"I went out and found her walking through the streets last night."

"Oh, Ok. John....I'm so sorry. I fucked up. She's such a nice girl, I didn't mean to hurt her. It's so hard. I'm trying to become clean. But it's like every time I see the drugs I...I-I lose it."

"Don't apologize to me....Apologize to her, later. When she wakes up....You two can sort everything out."

"Ok. Can I ask you a question?"


"How did you get clean?"

"Someone special, who I love took care of me. They slapped me upside the head, and dragged me by the ear to a facility. They wouldn't listen to my pleads, or complaints."

"Yeah....Your right. I need someone. I need Courtney back. She's the one. She'll slap me upside the head. She'll take care of me."

"Good. Good luck, Kurt."

"Thank you. Make Kate happy, ok? Don't screw it up. She used to tell me how much she loved you. And how jealous she would get. Someone like her is hard to find. Don't fuck it up."

"Got it." Going there separate ways, John lightly closed the hotel door and smiled at the sleeping Kate who was now snoring. Marching towards the kitchen cabinets, he frowned trying to figure out what gourmet dinner he could make with popcorn, and a bag of potato chips. Shrugging he figured a bottle of wine would do. Quickly popping the cork off, John quickly poured the red wine into the two glasses. Licking his lips he quickly took a sip of the wine, and smiled before taking another sip.

"Is that wine?" Kate laughed while sitting up and watching John finish chugging the bottle of red wine. He was drunk. It had been so long since he had drank. He couldn't resist the taste of the wine. Laughing he slurred, "I had some for you...But it disappeared and managed to sneak its way into my stomach."

"Woah! That's magical." Kate sarcastically replied back before hugging him, and gagging at the amount of alcohol that reeked from his breath. Puckering his lips he smiled, "Kiss?"

"I'm good, buddy boy. Your drunk."

"I'm not drunk......"

"Prove it." John nodded and stood up straight, staring at Kate for what seemed like forever. In a monotone voice he slurred, "I'm fucking drunk." Laughter erupted in the hotel room as Kate leaned forward and hugged him while sighing, "How do I keep falling back in love with you again?"

"Because, I'm so handsome."

"Let's not get carried away there."

"H-Hey!" He slurred while tackling her onto the bed while laughing, and kissed her face.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now