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"I never thought we'd make it too Chicago." Kate sighed while diving onto the bed. Candy raised a brow at the brunette as she unpacked her things. Many thoughts were running through Candy's head at the moment. She couldn't decide whether she should be worried for her best friend. Kurt was a nice guy. But he does have his fair share of doing drugs. A lot of drugs. Kurt didn't seem like the person that would persuade someone to do drugs. Unless he were to be on drugs at the time. Would Kurt do drugs around Kate? Candy couldn't answer that question either. Anthony did make a fair point the night before by saying, What if Kate wants to experiment? But Candy also made a fair point too by saying, Kate's a smart girl.
It was even across the board. The best friend felt a pit in her stomach while thinking, Should I say something to her? I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't want to hurt Kurt's feelings. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Damn this is hard.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me later?" Candy asked while placing her bag into the small closet.

"Sorry, Candy. I have a date!"

"Ooh! With who?"

"Kurt! I'm so happy!" Kate smiled while jumping up and down on the bed, squealing. Candy smiled but was frowning on the inside.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy for me? I'm finally living my life! Expanding my horizons!" Kate cheered while hugging her best friend.

"Of course I'm happy for you babe. Stay safe tonight. Please? For me?"

"Sure, mom. I was wondering if you could fix my hair? And if I could borrow an outfit from you...."

"Well I'll be damned! Kate Viverette dressing up? Am I dreaming?"

"Stop harassing me! Please? I know I can't compare to your sense of style."

"What can I say? I'm a stylish person. If only I had your body and looks."

"Stop! Your beautiful!"

"Geez! Stop with all the ass kissing in here." Anthony groaned while walking into the small hotel room before smirking, "What's going on in here?"

"Kate has a date tonight, Anthony. With Kurt."

"Oh really? Good for you Kate. Please stay safe. Okay?" Anthony smiled while noticing the frown on his girlfriends face.

"I'll be fine, Anthony! Geez. You two are acting like my parents." Kate rolled her eyes while sighing.

"Oh really? Did you sense that attitude, Candy? That's it Kate! Your grounded!" Anthony laughed while hugging Kate who was groaning at his cheesy comment. "You love us! No matter how much you think you hate us!" Candy cooed while joining the hug.

"Guys!" Kate groaned while slithering out of the hug, and walking towards Candy's bags to find clothes. "They grow up so fast. Where'd all the time go? It feels like it was just yesterday, when I walked her to into high-school on her first day of being a senior. Do you remember that, Kate?" Anthony laughed watching Kate flinch.

"Oh god. Don't remind me." Kate thought right as she began to flashback to the embarrassing school day.
"By Dad! Love you!" Kate smiled while stepping out of the old house. Making her way down the street she groaned. She never liked high school. Having older friends who were out of high school, made her feel like she was missing out on a whole other world.  Some friends being drop outs, and former graduates. She was lonely. Her peaceful walk to school was interrupted by a car horn honking as the van slowly pulled up next to her. "Hey! You didn't wait for us!" Candy exclaimed as Anthony frowned while slowly driving next to Kate who was walking along the sidewalk trying to ignore them. "You're late. I told you I didn't want to be late on the first day. But now I am. So I figured instead of waiting for you two and being even later, I decided to walk." Kate snapped while brushing her fingers through her hair.  On the inside a tiny part of her felt bad for snapping back of them. She quickly apologized, "I'm sorry." Candy smiled, "It's ok, babe. I'm sorry I slept in. Come on in. Anthony will drive fast so your not even more late on your first day." Nodding the brunette got in the car fumbling with her fingers. Quickly pulling into the parking lot Candy turned around from the passengers seat and smiled, "Have a great first day! Love you!" Nodding Kate slid out of the car and so did Anthony. Groaning she complained, "Your walking me to the door?" He laughed and said, "How could I not? I don't want you getting detention. I'll just say I'm a relative or something. I'll take the blame. Come on."  The walk to the front doors was silent. Reaching the old rusted doors that were a faded blue, Anthony frantically rang the buzzer waiting for Kate to be let in. "Oh, here! Candy and I stopped at the store to get you this!" He exclaimed while pulling out the bag of mini donuts out of his pocket, along with a small bottle of chocolate milk. "Smile! First day of senior year!" Candy yelled from the parking lot holding the Polaroid camera up. Anthony wrapped his arm around Kate who was blushing in embarrassment, and smiled giving a thumbs. Hearing the door click open he patted her back and said, "Go get'em tiger! Have a good first day!" Quickly nodding she entered the building holding the chocolate milk and blushed noticing the security guard was laughing at the entire situation that just happened.

Shivering at the flashback, Kate laughed "I still have that Polaroid somewhere. I have to admit, besides my father and mother, you two are my un-biological parents. You have always taken care of me."

"Aw! Your making me tear up!" Candy sighed while hugging Anthony who was rolling his eyes at his girlfriend. Helping Kate get ready for her date, Candy smiled while brushing her hair while thinking, I remember when I did her hair for prom. And homecoming. And graduation. I'm not even old either! It feels as if I've been here for Kate ever since she was born.
Hearing a knock at the door Anthony answered it smiling at Kurt who asked, "Hey. Is Kate here?" Kate smiled waving to Kurt and stepped out in the hallway with him.
"Be safe you two! Have fun." Anthony smiled while closing the door. "Damn we really do sound like parents. We're getting old." Candy sighed while hugging Anthony who kissed the top of her forehead.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now