The Outsiders

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"Fuck, John!" Kate sighed as Johns sweaty forehead pressed against hers as there bodies moved in sync. She felt happy. Something felt right between her and John, she couldn't tell if this feeling was because she hadn't had sex in a long time or maybe she was still in love with John. All the pleasure went away when she realized something big. Toni. Johns girlfriend. Your friend. Nice Tony. Fuck. Toni who takes you shopping and runs with you. Toni who has a ring on her finger. These thoughts were hitting her like a wall of bricks. She quickly thought, what the hell am I doing? Screwing John? What the fuck?

"What's a matter?" John laughed as he kissed her neck and lightly squeezed her waist. This was wrong. She knew it was wrong. She had to leave. And get far away from him.

"Wait...Stop. Please. I can't do this." Kate panicked shoving John's body off of her, noticing how confused he was and slightly heart broken. "Why? What's wrong?" He asked worried while watching her slip her underwear on and clip her bra. Sliding her jeans on she quickly threw her button up shirt on and decided not to waste any time buttoning the buttons while apologizing, "I'm so sorry. I can't do this. You have a great, beautiful girlfriend! I'm sorry. I'm ruining your relationship. Don't worry about me. Please." Quickly unlocking the door she speed walked down the hallway not listening to him calling after her. She didn't care her shirt was open and was exposing her bra at the moment, she just wanted to leave. And get far away from John. She quickly slammed into someone, falling onto the floor. Hearing a sniff she heard the familiar voice stutter, "K-Kate? You okay? What happened to your shirt?"

Looking up at Kurt she noticed he wasn't looking his best either. In fact, he looked as if he was just crying. His eyes were blood shot red. "I...uh." Kate stuttered while fumbling with her words. Quickly pushing past Kurt, she ran into the nearest women's bathroom. After locking the stall she sat on the foot and put her hands into her face as she began to cry thinking, Fuck. Why am I feeling like shit? Maybe because I am shit? What am I thinking? Trying to fuck John. Toni's boyfriend. I really am fucked up in the brain. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a slight knocking. Her eyes darted away right as she mad eye contact with Kurt through the crack of he stall and snapped, "It's the women's bathroom."

"So? A friends looking depressed. I'm depressed. Let's be depressed together." He sighed while crawling underneath the stall and sitting across from her, leaning his back against the cool wall that had many different phone numbers and threats carved into it.
"So what's on your mind? Or what happened?" Kurt asked lighting his last cigarette, and handing it to the disheveled brunette.

"John kissed me.....And I kissed him back. And got so carried away I almost fucked him. I'm friends with Toni. Even though I just got to know her, she's my friend. I feel like shit. I ruined my relationship with him. Now I'm ruining his relationship with Toni.....But enough about me. What's up with you?"

"Courtney claims she's broke up with me. I don't know what to feel. She usually leaves me a lot and comes crawling back. But what if she doesn't come crawling back this time? I'm no saint either. I've had my fair share of hurting her feelings. We fight a lot. And I mean a lot. But that's what makes us a couple? I guess? We're no candidates to the mushy couple stuff."

"Shit. I'm sorry, Kurt. Guess we both screwed up big time?" Kate laughed trying to lighten up the situation while handing him the cigarette. He nodded and took the cigarette back. Letting out a giant puff of smoke from his mouth he continued, "Your a good person? You know that? Despite how many fucked up decisions you've made, you still manage to 'stay gold'. You ever read that book?"

"What book?"

"The Outsiders?

"Can't say I have..."

"Oh. Anyway it's about these boys with fucked up lives. Two of the main characters, Johnny and Ponyboy run away after Johnny stabs someone. Johnny gets injured and has to be taken to the hospital. He ends up dying but the last words he tells Ponyboy are stay gold."

"That sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to read it sometime. I never knew you were a book worm."

"I wouldn't call myself a bookworm. More like an escapist. I used things to escape. Books for example."


"Life. Reality? All the bullshit in the world that makes me want to die."

"Oh. That's interesting. Don't ever do it."

"Do what?"

"Kill yourself. Don't let the negative bullshit win. Okay?"

"Alright, mom." The two laughed and he smiled, "Here." Leaning forward he began buttoning her shirt. Blush lightly dusted her face as she looked away from him. Refusing to make eye contact. Hearing his breath as he buttoned her shirt made her look at him. Kurt looked up and slightly smiled. The two froze and stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

"We should....get...going." Kate sighed not breaking eye contact with him. Nodding he mumbled, "Yeah. We should." Standing up she brushed the cigarette ashes off of her pants and went to reach for the lock when he grabbed her hand and stuttered, "K-Kate?"


"I-I usually don't say this. But, I'm gonna kiss you now, okay?"

"Okay...."She breathed out as she felt his warm lips press against hers.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now