Hold On

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It was a rough night. John still hadn't gotten any sleep. Instead he spent his evening, that was now an early morning in a hospital. He was scared. Kate had overdosed on heroin. The doctor told him it was a miracle she was barely breathing. She should've been dead. The entire situation was hard for John to process. One moment he fell asleep with her in his arms, and then he woke to her being wheeled to an ambulance. He still couldn't get the image of her out of his head. Bruised, blue, blood leaking from her forearm. The doctor explained the overdose of heroin caused her to lose oxygen to her brain, and the fact she lost a lot of blood in a matter of seconds didn't help the cause either.

"Mr.Frusciante?" A nurse asked while approaching him before continuing, "The doctor said you can come see Kate now. She's in a deep sleep. If you would please follow me." He hated hospitals. They were depressing. Every now and then you'd see a family crying, grieving. He couldn't bare to see people suffering. Before he entered the room the nurse stopped him and explained, "She has to stay here for two weeks. For a couple of days it's going to be hard for her to speak full sentences. Due to the fact she lost so much oxygen to the brain. She might forget some names and people, but that should all come back at the end of this week. If she wakes, be gentle with her. Try not to ask any questions, or worry her. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'm." John nodded while entering the room. There she lay asleep. Her breathing was slow. He pulled a chair right up next to the bed and held her hand mumbling, "Your such an idiot." His eyes widened when he felt her finger lightly move. Raising a brow he let go and watched her hand slowly move like it was doing something. She was giving him the middle finger. He laughed and intertwined his fingers with hers and smiled, "You still have your attitude. How have you been?" No answer. It was understandable. She was too weak. Her eyes were closed. Bandages were wrapped around her forearm. A pit formed in Johns stomach as he looked at her. He felt it was his fault. He never should've broken up with her. He never should have done heroin. He ruined her life. He didn't care about his life. He only cared about hers.

John sat there holding Kate's hand for what seemed like forever. He was tired. It was now twelve in the afternoon. Candy and Anthony entered the room. Candy looked like a mess. Her mascara was leaking down her face. She was still dressed in her pajamas from the night before. She slowly approached her best friend and leaned down kissing her forehead while whispering, "I'm here." Anthony squeezed Candy's shoulder while looking across at John asking, "Hey...Do you wanna go back to the hotel? You can go shower and take a nap? You can come back later. We'll take care of her from here."

"Yeah, I'll go back to the hotel. I'll be back later. Thanks, Anthony." John yawned while exiting the hospital room. Meanwhile Candy sat in Anthony's lap holding Kate's hand whispering, "How are you baby? Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'm here." Nothing. No answer. All that was heard was her breathing. Squeezing her hand Candy whispering, "Please answer me. Give me a sign. Anything. Please wake up. I love you so so much." Nothing. Standing up the blonde brushed her pants and mumbled, "I'm gonna go smoke a cig real quick. Be right back." Right after she exited the room Anthony began to notice Kate's eyes were slowly fluttering open. Don't ask any hard questions. Simple things. Don't stress her out. Remember what the nurse told you, Anthony thought to himself while smiling,  "Hey sleepyhead. How are you feeling?"

"Hey......Anthony.....I'm....I'm..I'm.." She frowned while staring at the ceiling. It was hard to speak. She felt tired after trying to remember Anthony's name. She was frustrated. She couldn't think of the word 'ok'. She mumbled, "Forget.....it..." Anthony frowned. It was hard to see her like this. A girl who was happy, and big hearted. Now she was depressed and confused. "That's ok-" He began to say when she interrupted, "That's it! I'm....ok..."

"Ohhh. I'm happy to know your feeling better."

"Thanks...Where is.....Candy?"

"She went outside to smoke." The two talked for what seemed like forever. There conversation was interrupted by Candy entering the room and gasping. Running to Kate she hugged her and cried, "Hey beautiful! I missed you."

"I....misssed....you....too. I-I'm, I-I'm Sorry..."

"Don't apologize! Don't apologize. I'm here. Your here. That's all that matters." Kate nodded her head and watched the door open again. John entered. He looked tired. His hair was damp. He had dark bags under his eyes. But his eyes lit up when he saw her. Anthony and Candy looked at each other while standing up. They decided to give John some alone time with Kate. Before she would fall asleep again

"Hey, cutie." John smiled while approaching her. Holding her face he leaned in and pressed a soft. but  passionate kiss against her chapped lips.

"Hi....I'm sorry."

"Hey! Don't say that! Don't say that...."

"I'm sad....B-because...I hurt everyone..."

"Hey! Don't get sad! C'mon...don't be ridiculous."

"But...It...It's....It's....True." Kate frowned while hitting herself in the face thinking, why can't I talk normal. She was getting very frustrated. Johns heart ached. Seeing her like this made him even more guilty. "I got an idea. Move over." John smiled while kicking his shoes off. She slowly moved over and smiled while watching him slowly maneuver his way into the bed, underneath the thin covers. Holding her hand he buried his face into her neck and whispered, "I love you."


Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now