Now What?

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"Your not going?!" Anthony asked, repeating what John had just said back into the phone.

"Yes, Anthony. Where not going. Kate's still a little shaken up over everything. Everything hit her all at once last night and she begged me not to go. I kind of didn't want to go to begin with. I know Kurt means no harm, but he got her into this entire mess. I don't trust him. But that's just my point of view." John explained while twirling the cord of the phone around his finger as he smiled while looking down at Kate who was fast asleep, cuddled against his side.

"I understand, John. I don't blame you. One man to another, if the same thing had happened to Candy I wouldn't trust him either." Anthony sighed, while watching Candy brush her teeth in the bathroom across from his bedroom.

"It made her happy, so I bought the tickets. But seeing her distraught like this makes me wonder if she was ever excited at all about seeing Kurt...Maybe she was just lying to me, to not try and hurt my feelings?"

"No. Kate's good. She wouldn't lie to anybody. Trust me. I wouldn't doubt yourself. She's just hurting and she needs you by her side. To help her heal. Take a break. Don't worry about the rehearsals coming up. Just practice at home for the global tour coming up in a couple months."

"About that..."


"I might not be going on the global tour."

"What the hell do you mean you might not be going on the global tour."

"Well, I've been thinking lately. Flea was talking to me the other day and asked if I was happy. You know, happy with the band and the direction we were going in."

"Okay. What did you say?"

"I couldn't answer him, Anthony. I like you guys. It's just I don't know if I want to do this for the rest of my life. I want to start a life with Kate-"

"So your just gonna let one chick destroy your career like that?! What is she the dictator of the relationship? Remember who wears the pants in the relationship, John!" Anthony snapped into the phone causing John to flinch.

"Calm down. This has nothing to do with Kate's opinions. I made this decision. She had nothing to do with it."

"Are you just saying that because you love her? What if she breaks up with you? What are you gonna do after that? You'll be homeless. You'll be nothing. I'm just trying to look after you."

"Shut up! I have a more stable relationship than you, asshole. You know nothing about what has happened between Kate and I. I love her. I mean it. And if she's not healthy by the time the global tour comes around, then I'm staying with her. Nothing and nobody can change my mind."

"What are we supposed to do John? If you were to bail out last minute?"

"I-I don't know."

"I don't know either. I guess we would have to train someone to take your place in case you decide to not show."

"Yeah, I guess."

"But that's too much work. I came up with a better idea. I'll just find someone dedicated. Someone who's willing to rehearse with us. Someone who doesn't follow his girlfriend around like a lost puppy. Someone who can play guitar ten times better than you."

"What are you saying Anthony?" John stuttered into the phone before noticing his hands starting to shake.

"Your out of the band, John." Anthony snapped into the phone, venom laced in his tone.

"What?! Just like that? Your kicking me out of the band! Are you high? Listen to yourself for a second!"

"If your not dedicated, we don't need you."

"Hold on, we? You didn't even ask Chad, or Flea! Where a band! A family. Anthony how could you do this? How am I going to support Kate? How am I going to support myself? How will I live?"

"I don't know, John Frusciante. But you better take advantage of this time off. Find out who you truly are." Anthony explained into the phone before hanging up, leaving John speechless. He never knew it would end like this. Over a stupid phone call. A decision he decided to make. His hand slowly wiped the tears that began to form in the corners of his eyes. Staring down at Kate he mumbled to himself while stroking her hair, you won't leave me. Right? It seems as if everyone has been deserting me. But not you. Your different.

"John? What time is it?" Kate's angelic voice softly spoke, as she rubbed her hand up and down his knee in a reassuring way.

"Half past twelve." He replied slowly while staring ahead.

"Are you ok? Who were you on the phone with?"


"Oh, really?! I haven't heard from him in forever. What'd he say? Did he ask about me? How's Candy?"

"He kicked me out of the band." John said in disbelief.

"I haven't seen Candy in forever. It's been so long I should probably give her a call- wait he kicked you out of the band?"

"Yeah...just like that. One minute we were talking. And then next thing I knew he was telling me I was out of the band."


"I feel like it was my fault."

"What did you say?"

"That I might not go on the global tour."


"Don't worry about it. I just told him I might not go, and he said he'll just replace me. Apparently I'm not dedicated."

"Hand me the phone."

"No, Kate. Stop. It's not worth it." He tried to assure his girlfriend but it was no use. She had already grabbed her phone and was waiting for Anthony to pick up.

"Hello?" Anthony's voice asked into the phone.

"Fuck you, Anthony." Kate snapped before ranting, "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you on your period? John is the most dedicated person I have ever met? Your just going to fire him? Who said you call the shots? Who said you determine who comes up and goes?"

"Kate. I'm sorry but you have to understand we are a band. We have to travel to survive. We just can't have John coming and going whenever he pleases. I'm sorry. I told him to take some time off to find himself. You should too." Anthony explained before quickly hanging up, leaving Kate in disbelief.

"Well now what?" John softly asked, unsure of what to do.

"I...I don't know." She softly replied back.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now