26: Sheep

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Short chapter, I know, I just wanted to post something.

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Matter of fact. 60 comments for new chapter

Love ya


Leisa Thomas

I made sure to check the living room, to make sure that my mom wasn't downstairs. Once I went up and saw her laying in her bed already, I knew the coast was clear. Now that Myles wasn't home my dad had to get a new factory job that had him out from 7 PM to 4 AM, so I didn't have anything to worry about.

I ran back down to the basement, opening the side door for Elijah to come inside. "You're so damn stupid for what you did today." I whispered, even though I really didn't need to. I was used to sneaking out; this whole sneaking him in thing, was new to me.

I flicked on the light, exposing the white couch that was complimented with a bunch of pink pillows, and a funny white throw blanket, I had a light pink, fuzzy carpet in the middle of the room and a glass coffee table on top of it. I kept the kitchen and everything else the same, but the room that was once covered in sports posters and jerseys was now repainted a light grey, accompanied with pink of course and little gold accents all around the room. I had to admit, the place did clean up nicely.

As of lately I had taken over, and started moving my things in, regardless of my mom thinking he was coming back.

I had had my eye on this room forever, and after begging and moping my dad I was finally able to persuade him into helping me bring my stuff down, giving Gabby a room to herself, finally. I loved it, mostly because of the privacy and the fact that it made sneaking out much easier than before.

"Ok, ok, I get it." Elijah peeled out of his fresh white t-shirt hanging it on the side of the couch, he also kicked off his Gucci slippers and stretched. "How the hell was I supposed to know that she was in there? matter of fact how was I supposed to know she was even in New York?" he asked, plopping himself on the couch, causing the pillows to fall to the ground. I rolled my eyes, picking them up and throwing it at him. "Chill." He said, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"I told you that streets talk, and lately you've been sloppy with hiding this thing that we got going on." I pulled my hair up into a bun using the oversized hair tie I had wrapped around my arm. "I'm not trying to have my brother kill my ass, okay?"

"Fuck that nigga."

"Watch your mouth." I hissed, while walking into my room. I stepped out of the jumpsuit I was wearing and found a clean pair of pajama shorts, along with an old t-shirt that I had cut into a crop top. After a long day, there was nothing that felt better than being in comfy clothes.

I entered my bathroom and grabbed my makeup wipes, I wiped away the little bit of makeup I had on and replaced it with some baby lotion and put Vaseline on my lips after brushing my teeth. Once I was done, I shut off the lights in my room and my bathroom then went to join Elijah in the living room, where I dimmed the lights.

I took a seat next to him, pulling my legs onto the couch as I snuggled into his side. Elijah had been on his phone texting but he locked the screen, tossed it to the side then wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "Sometimes I wish we didn't have to hide." I said low.

"You and me both..." his voice was deep but it was so soothing. I found my eyes growing heavy to just the simply sound of him breathing. "How's your tattoo healing?" he asked, turning my arm around so he could see the beginning of my sleeve, that he had paid for; of course.

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