50: The Gold

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I just want to say something and please don't take it the wrong way. I see a lot of writers complain about this so I know that I am not the only one.
Lol, I know you guys want me to update as much as I can and I want to produce just as bad. However, remember that I am human and not a robot. Writing takes hours and I do have responsibilities and engagements that I must attend to at times which is why I may not produce as fast as some of you would like. On top of that I'm a perfectionist and don't want to put out low quality content. I know a lot of writers that post every day but their chapters are 2000 words or less. Most of my chapters in both AGT and Myles exceed 5000+. I take my time to give you guys what I would like to read if I were you. That includes detail, I take the time out to actually plan out every chapters events strategically. (If that's what you guys want to rush me to write then I will, but don't complain if it's trash.)

In saying all of this, I love you all and I know that you guys just want to read Myles. However, the constant badgering to update does get annoying to writers. Especially when I do back to back updates, and get maybe 10 people that appreciate it and 20 people that never comment in my DMs or comments complaining about me updating. Like sis ... that doesn't correlate.

Once again, not trying to be offensive or come off rude. Just letting you know how I feel. Bare with me as I try to update as much as I possibly can as fast as I possibly can. I have not forgotten about any of my stories. AGT update is coming as soon as I finish Myles which I have chosen to extend another two chapters. For any other concerns about my updates please just go to my profile and view the conversations. Some of you already do but for those who don't, I normally explain there why there isn't an update.

That is all. Still love you. Enjoy.

Myles Thomas

I didn't normally do the online dating or even meeting someone online thing. I watched catfish all the time and I knew better but, from the moment we began talking.

I wasn't looking for anything serious, my boys had told me about Match'd and how many girls they were able to bag after a couple compliments and good conversation. I was getting over a break up and didn't want anything serious, I just wanted to have fun, clear my mind, do me. I had been on the app for only five minutes, when Monet's image came across my screen. Elijah laughed and so did some of my mother boys, she was definitely too fly to be on a dating app.

I was so tempted to swipe left but the fact that she Super liked me, made me interested in knowing exactly why someone like "her" would "super like" me. Despite what my friends said, in secret, I swiped right and kept it moving.

I got home that night to a message, a message that I doubt I could ever forget.

Monet DaSilva: I am honestly such a loser and you may not believe me but I'm new to this thing and I think I super liked you by accident. My finger slipped.

Me: You sure about that?

Monet DaSilva: Positive actually. Light skins really aren't my thing and I don't necessarily find beards attractive.

Me: Damn, you're just going to air me out like that?

Monet DaSilva: No offense, I just know what I like and unfortunately, you aren't it.

It was nice talking to you though. I wish you the best on your searching process.

Me: None taken, I do wish you the best as well.

If you are unsuccessful with your search, don't hesitate to hit me up. I'm sure that I can change your perspective on how you view guys like me.

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