49: Stand By Me

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Answer - Bruce was Dejountes live in trainer!

Next question: who remembers how Monet's mom and dad met?

Myles Thomas

2 Days Later

"Finally!" my mom exclaimed, dramatically sighing. "We're here."

"Finally!" I said in agreeance.

After 20 hours of travelling, we had finally made it to Tokyo. It was harder than I had thought it was going to be, with the length of our layover and the different laws in different countries, extensive searches; I was growing frustrated. However, bringing my mom with me was the best idea I had made, she kept me calm, made the trip more enjoyable than it would've been if I went alone and she made the experience much more worth it.

I didn't only bring my mom with me because I wanted company, what she didn't know was that I brought her with me because I know she would've wanted to experience what I had planned for Monet. I was her only son and this was a step that she never thought I would take, I couldn't imagine doing it without her being able to experience it live and direct. The fact that she loved the Olympics was a bonus and my way of getting her to come in the first place.

We made it through security and out to the front of the airport where I ordered us an uber. Once I had that in order, I made a quick phone call. It was 9:32 here which meant it was 7:32 back home. It rang for a few before it finally answered. "Hello?"

"Hey pops, we just landed."

"Oh great, that's good to hear. How was the flight."

"Pretty long..." I scratched the top of my head looking out into the oncoming traffic to make sure I could see my Uber. There were so many people out here waiting that I had to make sure no one stole mine.

"I can imagine, how's your mother?"

"Good, we're good. How's it going in rehab?"

"You know... could be better, I've been craving a beer more than ever since today's Sunday and I normally watch the game with a cold one. But I just gotta push through and know it'll be worth it in the end."

"Yes, it will. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you for going out there and chasing after your dreams. You're more of a man than me."

"Can't risk losing this opportunity. You know?"

"Oh, I know."

I smirked, "I'm going to get going now, I see my uber. I'll talk to you later."

"No problem. Talk to you soon." I hung up and glanced over at my mother who was looking at me with a small smile. "What?"

"Oh nothing."

"Please, you know you got something to say."

"It's just nice to see you breaking down those walls after so many years with him. It's nice to see you leaving New York, doing something adventurous. It's nice to see you finally smile as opposed to being so serious. I don't know what it is but I love it."

With saying that the uber pulled up right on cue. I grabbed our luggage and the man got out to help us get everything into the trunk. Leave it to her to overdo it when it came to packing. We'd be here only for a few days yet she had enough to server her for a good month or so.

My mother got into the back of the car and since some of our bags had to go next to her, I just took shot gun. "Tourists?" the driver asked, as he adjusted his seat belt. His English was better than I had expected it to be; thank God. He was also much younger and wore clothes that were currently in style as we speak, clothes that I couldn't even afford or even pronounce. I didn't know what kind of money Uber was paying their Tokyo drivers, but I wanted in.

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