[3.1] House of Truth ~ pt 1

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Eddie couldn't help but smile slightly as he shut his bedroom door. After far too long of himself and Fabian searching, they had finally found the letter from Nina. He was giving the boy some privacy to read it while he went to tell Camilla.

Though on his way to the living room, he noticed KT lurking by the cellar door in her hands...

"The Key!" he exclaimed, rushing over to her without much thought trying to grab the long elegant silver key with a crescent moon detailing on the top from the girl's grip.

"Hey!" KT put up a fight

The moment the boy's fingers touched the metal, the same white flash crossed his mind as he was pulled into another vision/daymare. This one was creepy. Eddie found himself in a round room made of stone, where there were 5 sarcophaguses on the walls, an eery echoing laugh filled his ears as they all opened at the same time. Unlike the vision he had had with KT and her grandfather, this one was chopped, chaotic, hard to follow up, causing him to panic as he fell back against a wall.

Gasping Eddie jerked his hand away from the key, causing Anubis house to flood his senses once again. The boy scarpering over to the stairs as he tried to control his breathing.

"Eddie?" he heard KT call, the girl following him to the stairs, "are you okay? What just happened?!"


Amber's party was still in full swing as Alfie brought out the cake and placed it in front of her to a round of Happy Birthday sung very badly but enthusiastically by the Anubis house member's and Willow who for some reason still hadn't gone back to Isis House yet.

"Oh, it looks lovely!" Amber sighed happily once the singing had stopped, looking around at them all as she took a deep breath to blow out her candles.

"Remember to make a wish," Alfie told his girlfriend who smiled at him before blowing out the flames.

"What did you wish for Amber?" Willow asked as Camilla got up from the table to collect a knife and extra plates so the girl could cut her cake. "I always wish that cocker spaniels could talk."

Amber let out a gasp, "I once spent a whole summer trying to teach mu Dalmatian, Precious, how to sing."

Camilla looked to Patricia and Joy as she wandered back into the room and placed the plates onto the table; she was hearing the same odd conversation as they were about talking dogs, right? From the amused expressions of the girls, she could only assume so.

"Who's for cake?" Amber turned to the group noticing the plates Camilla had brought through.

"me!" Mara put her hand up.

"would you like some cake, Jerome?" Amber asked as Camilla noticed her brother wander into the kitchen disheartened.


"eh, leave me some Amber..." Camilla told her friend before wandering back into the kitchen.

"I'm actually going to get some plates," Patricia spoke, as she followed Camilla's gaze watching as the girl approached her brother and hugged him. The boy hiding his face in his sister's shoulder for a moment.

"oh, yeah, I'll just help." Joy added, jumping from her seat rushing after Patricia. The two girls approaching the twins seeing Fabian look up to Camilla with a weak smile. A silent thank you hanging in the air between the pair before they turned to see the girls entering the room.

Endgame; House of Anubis *B3*Where stories live. Discover now