[14.1] House of Smuggling ~ pt 1

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Getting to the mental hospital on a bike was a lot harder than getting to it via car. Still, Camilla had refused to hand over the keys to her baby – due to some incident that summer involving Gary the goat, Fabian, the family land Rover and a herd of Camels he pissed off.

Eventually, Eddie, Fabian, KT and Patricia arrived at the building. With there being an hour left of visiting hours, the place was pretty much empty. The four trying not to stick out as they walked through the corridors towards Harriet's room.

Eddie was the first into the room, poking his head around the door and calling out, "Harriet." Before pushing the door open and letting his friends into the room. "I've come to get you like we promised." He told the darkroom.

Fabian switched on the bedside table,, and the four Sibuna's looked around the room in horror. The room had been cleaned out, and there was no Harriet to be seen. Moreover, their Ace card had gone missing.

"She's gone." KT whispered, trying to keep the panic from her voice, but the crack at the end of the word 'gone' told them all the fear that was running through her. The one person they knew for certain who could officially do the ceremony without evil awakening was gone. "Harriet.... She's not here!"

"Don't panic," Eddie told them all as he ducked down to look under the bed.

Patricia turning to the wardrobe and opening it as if the woman would magically appear.

"But we need her to perform the ceremony." KT turned to Fabian, the two sharing a look. They couldn't ask Cam to do it. The great Mage thing was her future, not her present. They had no clue what would happen if Camilla did the ceremony.

"It might be our only option," Fabian whispered regretfully to KT, who shook her head. But, no, she would never ask that of one of her friends. Never.

Eddie glanced about the room and saw a pile of papers near the woman's bed. He reached over and flicked through them. "Guys, I might have found something."

"W-what is it?" Fabian asked as they rushed to the Osirian's side.

"Well, for her lunch order, she got fish sticks," Eddie mumbled as he looked through the papers.

"Not what I'd call helpful." Patricia could help it as she sassed the boy. The woman's food order was not what they needed to know right now.

"Is that all the information you have?" Fabian asked, agreeing with Patricia.

Eddie glanced between the two, understanding that he was grasping at straws, "It could be some kind of code?" he offered half-heartedly.

"Oh..." Fabian spoke up the Rutter sarcasm clearly heard in his tone of voice, "yes, the Fish Stick's code. Cam and I use that often when we are out on digs in Egypt. How could I have forgotten about it."

KT rolled her eyes at the sarcasm in the male twin's voice before looking to Eddie in exasperation, "isnt there anything else?"

"It says 'discharged'...." Eddie whispered in horror.

"But without Harriet, how are we going to save my great-grandpa?" KT couldn't help but ask the pair, even though she knew neither of them would have the answer to the question. "How are we going to stop him from waking up evil?"

The group of teens had forgotten they had snuck into the clinic, their hushed voices as they first looked around Harriet's room having gone the second, they realised the woman in question wasn't in the room. However, KT's rather shouty questions as she panicked had caused one of the doctors to come rushing into the room.

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