[11.1] House of Entrapment - Pt 1

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 Fabian's look as he took in the man in the tank was the same look Camilla saw whenever they were out on a dig. Awe, wonder and the need to know the answers to the questions in front of him.

"No way..." Fabian whispered as he rounded the tank.

"Fabian, you need to tell me how you have seen this?!" KT rounded on the boy the second they got to the tank room, causing Eddie and Camilla to roll their eyes as they moved off together. This was a drama they didn't need to involve themselves in.

"Patricia took it," Fabian absentmindedly told the girl as he examined the tank carefully.


"I'm sorry," Fabian mumbled, "but she thought you were working for team bad. Well, we all did."

KT looked a little heartbroken at that comment. "Are you serious? Did you know about this?!" she demanded of the Osirian and Protector duo. Camilla shook her head slightly. The American girl getting a little strength from the fact at least Camilla trusted her from the start.

"NO!" Eddie instantly replied. "can we just look for clues and get out of here?!"

"I can't believe you guys didn't trust me."

Fabian scoffed slightly and looked to the girl, "what did you honestly expect?"

KT's eyes squinted, and she shoved the male twin into the tank, causing it to tip. Eddie and Camilla rushed forward, trying to catch it before it went crashing to the ground.

The pair catching it with loud grunts, shouldering the tank before it fell to the ground. "Guys!" Eddie angrily hissed at the arguing pair, his eyes darting to Camilla who was clearly straining under the weight of the tank (she was a rather small female in heels, after all having not expected the brutal upper body work out that evening).

"Have you got it?" Fabian asked, his eyes darting from Eddie, who was grunting slightly under the weight and the clear strain on Camilla's face as she tried her hardest not to get herself Osirian squashed.

"Well, actually," Eddie hissed through clenched teeth, "it is a little heavy." He watched Fabian glance to his sister then KT before adding, "Help!"

Fabian rushed forward, slipping between the two and also shouldered the tank. The three grunting as they helped right the tank, KT helping them straighten it from the other side before looking at her fingers as they were covered in grease and dirt.

The three letting out a sigh of relief as it was righted in place, "Okay," Eddie panted, "that thing is heavy."

"And gross!" Camilla turning straight away to Eddie and wiping her grease-covered hands on his shirt, causing him to let out a shout of disgust and do the same back to the girl with an amused smile.

"Now you two," Eddie pointed between Fabian and KT, "need to kiss and make up, right, and you...." Eddie turned his gaze on Camilla, "what's with the no magic? Motus would have really helped with him," the boy nodded to the tank.

"It's blocked." Camilla shrugged with an apologetic gaze.


Camilla rolled her eyes and pulled a curby from her hair, placing it on her hand and saying, "Motus."

Eddie watched as the Curby lay dormant on the girl's palm before looking up to meet her gaze seeing the glint of worry that was swirling behind her strong mask. Something was blocking the magic in the room, something that had Camilla worried. However, it did explain the question of how Amber and Camilla had gotten trapped up here.

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