[4.2] House of Hieroglyphs ~ pt 2

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"YOU!" Victor's shout caused the four Anubis students to turn to face him. "you will stay here." He ordered them all, "Mr Sweet will round up the rest of the Anubis residents. Nobody will leave until I have my parcel, and when I find out who has taken it, they will be removed this school."

Where everyone else looked worried, Camilla rolled her eyes at the man's dramatics.

"By gods, Victor you are becoming more dramatic by the day," the female twin instantly quipped back to the man's threat, knowing full well when it came to her (and Fabian) it was nothing more than words. There was still so much her guardian had to teach her, about her history and her magic usage. He wouldn't jeopardise that just because of some stupid package that had gone 'missing'... or taken by Alfie but the girl wasn't a tell-tale, she wasn't going to tell the older gentleman that.

Victor turned to the girl with a scowl on his face, biting his tongue slightly to stop himself from retorting as she tilted her head and smiled innocently back at him, swaying slightly on her heeled boots as she did, acting as if she had no cares in the world. A fact The Guardian knew to be false, but the young Protector was very good at hiding it that for a second, he almost believed her lie too.

Thankfully the bell rang just as Mr Sweet herded the remaining Anubis House residents into the lounge. Victor stepped back and gestured to the hallway, "Line up." He ordered.

Without any complaints, though a bemused eye roll came from Camilla, the students hurried past him into the hallway lining up with girls on one side and boys on the other.

Victor walked down the line looking at each student individually, inspecting their faces for guilt, Mr Sweet watching over them all too with his arms crossed trying to look as intimidating, but the red poke-a-dot bowtie was really ruining the effect for him.

"I am missing a parcel." Victor informed them all, "it was addressed to me and delivered to Anubis House."

"We don't know where your precious delivery is." Joy sassed the man clearly rather annoyed that she had been pulled from class for this.

"Then we shall have something of a wait," Victor replied to the girl watching as the residents of the house all groaned slightly.

Willow, who was stood next to Amber at the end of the line, gasped excitedly looking around at the housemates. "cool, you know I love hanging with these guys." She wistfully informed the grumpy caretaker getting smiling faces from the students around her as Victor took in the strawberry blonde for the first time. Clearly unsure of how to handle her.

Mr Sweet glanced to Willow in surprise, "but you are not a resident of Anubis House," he told the girl.

Willow smiled at him, playfully, "I know. I just love the whole Anubis vibe... I mean we never have fun or stuff like this at our house."

"I wouldn't call this fun... more like a pain in the ass. I keep thinking there are so many lockers, bag and bedroom checks Vicky can do in the year but he keeps managing to push the number up every term," Camilla spoke up causing laughter and murmured agreements from her housemates.

"Camilla not now," Victor told the girl with a sigh, before turning to the girl at the end of the line-up. Talking to her like she was a stray puppy. "out."

Willow, however, didn't follow the order. Instead, she looked at Victor curiously, "out odd-job man isnt funny like you."

Camilla let out a low whistle at Willow's words, and she wasn't the only one who glanced at Victor to see his reaction.

Endgame; House of Anubis *B3*Where stories live. Discover now