[19.2] House of History ~ Pt 2

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The rain was pouring down and it had become very apparent to the four teenagers in the Gatehouse they were not heading back to Anubis house for the night. Patricia groaned as she heard the heeled footsteps of Ms Denby before the woman arrived in the room, "Anyone for hot chocolate?" the teacher asked, looking around at the four students, three of whom clearly had given up any pretence of studying though Joy seemed to be still reading over the words she needed to know for the next day. "I always find it helps me sleep. And we all need a good night's rest before the eclipse tomorrow."

Jerome had packed his bag within minutes of Joy moving away and was ready to leave. He was now in a dangerous position, and Joy knew the situation he was in. He was not ready to honestly deal with that just yet because, unlike Alfie, Joy would meddle.

"Actually, Ms, I appreciate the help," He told the teacher with a smile as he pulled the strap of his bag over his shoulder, "but we have to leave."

Ms Denby looked surprised that Jerome was insisting on leaving. She had suspected it was just Alfie and Patricia. "Oh, but the weather, it's frightful." She glanced between the students, noticing the pair she had been told to keep an eye on had gotten to their feet as if getting ready to leave. "I can't let you go out in that."

"Well, what's the alternative?" Patricia asked the teacher, really hoping she wasn't going to suggest what she thought she was.

Denby pretended to ponder the question before smiling at them all, "Well, you could stay here in the guest rooms tonight? You might have to double up, but I'm sure that's okay."


Jerome looked appalled at the idea, "Teachers sleepover? That is a little weird."

The only one who didn't seem freaked out by the clear idea that Denby was trying to keep them in one place was Joy, who turned to the woman with a smile. "Its nice of you to put yourself out, Ms." She then turned to her friends and gave them all glares, "to stop us losing our scholarships."

Alfie rushed over to Jerome, who stood by the door to the large living room/study area. "I really need to get back," he told the teacher. I can't sleep without my, um..."

"Blankie." Patricia filled in for the boy as he started to stutter making her way over to the pair also.

Alfie gave Patricia a look, knowing he had to go with it if they wanted to get out of the building using the opportunity that Jerome had created.

Patricia ignored the look and turned to Joy and the teacher, sympathetically saying, "You know he really panics without it."

Joy gave the boy a warm smile, "Aww Alfie. That's so cute – is it the Lion King one?"

Jerome whispered in Alfie's ear, "I thought we got you off Blankie when we moved to Anubis; that's why it's in Camilla's bed box."

Ms Denby gave the boy a sympathetic look, "Oh well, don't worry. I'm sure Victor can take care of it."

"Okay, the point is..." Alfie looked to the teacher, "Thanks, but no thanks. We need to go back to the house."

Ms Denby walked towards the exit, "but I was just about to make hot chocolate and lock up." The woman gave the boy a meaningful look knowing that she needed to keep these children here and she would do that no matter what she had to do.

Before anyone could say anything, there was a loud thumping noise, and all the student's heads looked to the roof, where it seemed to have come from.

Denby let out a sigh as she moved over to the elevator, "Oh, those bats..."

Endgame; House of Anubis *B3*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें