[20.1] House of Eclipse ~ pt 1

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Victor felt like he had been preparing for this moment since he realised the significance of who Camilla could be, and he looked over the ceremonial robes he had made for this with a fine eye to make sure not even one strand was out of place.

"The hour of Robert's return." Victor told his bird, like he normally would, having not noticed his absence. "it is finally upon us, Corbierre, Finally!" with that, he folded the last robe and placed them into the suitcase he was using to transport them over to the gatehouse. As the case snapped shut he looked to his desk and his eyes widened, the space where his beloved bird normally called home was empty bar a folded note.

Unknown to Victor, Fabian had taken the bird to an unused boys' locker room and hung him from the ceiling using football nets, "and now, Berrie, all we gotta do is wait for Victor to come and get you." The boy told the bird. "he won't be attending his little ceremony, and neither is Mr Sweet or Ms Denby."

Victor glanced around the room in shock before picking up the paper and unfolding it to read: 'If you want to see your bird again, come to the boy's changing room at 11:30.'

Victor crumpled up the note before looking at his pocket watch. It was 11:25, and he had to run if he wanted to make it to the locker room in time.


Camilla was shocked as she walked from the school towards Anubis house and saw Denby strolling towards her. The teacher gave her an odd look, causing Camilla to stall.

"Shouldn't you be in uniform, Miss Rutter," Ms Denby asked as Camilla came to a halt.

Camilla tried not to look relieved, even though, in her head, she was panicking. What would have happened to KT if Ms Denby was now strolling around casually before the Eclipse? Especially as it was clear she was on her way to the Gatehouse. "Eh, Victor gave me odd jobs to do outside school so I could be exempt." Camilla explained to the teacher with a shrug, "I'm trying to avoid a nasty breakup, so Victor has been nice enough to help me escape some awkward tension."

The Teacher smiled at the girl and gave her a knowing look, "When it comes to dealing with men, Camilla, my advice is simple: be as beautiful as a flower and as delicate as a landmine." Denby told the girl honestly, "Make them afraid to break you. I really hope you enjoy the Eclipse," With that, the teacher made a sweeping motion as if she wasn't going to hold up Camilla any longer before walking towards the main path that took her to the gatehouse.

Camilla waited until the coast was clear before she backed up towards the school. If Denby was out, they needed to make sure at least one of the adults was successfully stopped, and she knew she only had sway over one. She had to try one last time to talk to him, to see if he wouldn't go through with it.


Eddie was leaning against the wall in his dads office, groaning in pain as he tried to prevent his dad from doing the ceremony.

"I think I'm going to need an ambulance!" Eddie groaned at his dad.

Mr Sweet looked appalled at the suggestion, "Surely not for a stomachache!"

"its like my insides are trying to be my outsides," Eddie described to his dad. "I think this is the end." Eddie leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes dramatically.

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